N. |
Author(s) |
Title |
Publisher |
0A |
Angelo Farina |
Tesina per l'esame di maturita'. Liceo Classico G.D. Romagnosi, Parma, luglio 1977 |
Angelo Farina |
Tesi di laurea a ciclo unico (5 anni) in Ingegneria presso l'Universita' di Bologna - Dicembre 1982. |
1 |
A. Farina,
G. Pagliarini, R. Pompoli |
3° Convegno
Nazionale PFT - CNR - Taormina, 23-25 maggio 1985 |
2 |
A. Farina, R. Pompoli |
Italiana di Acustica, Novembre 1985 |
3 |
A. Farina,
G. Pagliarini, R. Pompoli |
Atti del 4°
Convegno Nazionale PFT - CNR, Torino, 20 novembre 1986 |
4 |
A. Farina |
caratterizzazione acustica delle sale da spettacolo con particolare
attenzione alle esigenze di ascolto della musica sinfonica |
Tesi di
Dottorato di Ricerca in Fisica Tecnica - I° Ciclo Università di Bologna -
Facoltà di Ingegneria(1987) |
5 |
A. Farina, R. Pompoli |
L'acustica del teatro del Convitto Nazionale Maria Luigia di Parma |
INARCOS n. 483 Novembre 1987 |
6 |
A. Cocchi, A.
Farina, R. Vezzali |
Valutazione della intellegibilità della parola: metodi a confronto |
Atti del XVI
Convegno AIA 1988 - Milano, 28-30 marzo 1988 |
7 |
A. Cocchi, A.
Farina, M. Garai |
Valutazione dell'isolamento acustico in locali di piccole dimensioni |
Atti del XVI
Convegno AIA 1988, Milano, 28-30 marzo 1988 |
8 |
A. Cocchi, A. Farina |
Rilevamento sperimentale delle caratteristiche acustiche dei teatri e
delle sale da spettacolo |
Atti del XVI
Convegno AIA 1988, Milano, 28-30 marzo 1988 |
9 |
S. Dumas, A.
Farina, S. Piva |
atti del 43°
Convegno ATI, Ancona, 20-23 settembre 1988 |
10 |
L. Bragadin,
A. Farina, M. Mancini, R. Pompoli |
A case history of low frequency
air-borne sound produced by a weir in the river Reno |
INTERNOISE 88, Avignon, August 1988 |
11 |
A. Cocchi, A.
Farina, M. Garai |
Environmental noise regulations:
new trends in Italian legislation |
INTERNOISE 88, Avignon, August 1988 |
12 |
A. Farina,
G. Pagliarini, R. Pompoli |
II Convegno
Internazionale Metodologie e Mezzi Innovativi per la Sperimentazione nel
Settore Automotoristico, Firenze, 22-25 novembre 1988 |
13 |
A. Farina |
La caratterizzazione acustica delle sorgenti di rumore da traffico |
Atti del
Seminario AIA 1989 "Metodi numerici di previsione del rumore da
traffico", Parma, 12 Aprile 1989 |
14 |
A. Farina, G. Semprini |
Atti del
Seminario AIA 1989 "Metodi numerici di previsione del rumore da
traffico", Parma, 12 Aprile 1989 |
15 |
A. Farina,
P. Malpeli, R. Pompoli, E. Salsi |
Atti del XVII
Convegno AIA 1989, Parma, 12-14 aprile 1989 |
16 |
A. Farina,
F. Simoni, V. Tarabusi |
Atti del XVII
Convegno AIA 1989, Parma, 12-14 aprile 1989 |
17 |
A. Cocchi, A.
Farina, P. Fausti, M. Garai, M. Rivizzigno, G. Semprini |
"Inquinamento da Rumore", a cura di A. Cocchi, Maggioli Editore,
Bologna 1990. P.251-262 |
18 |
A. Cocchi, A. Farina |
Atti del
XVIII Convegno Nazionale AIA, L'Aquila, 18-20 Aprile 1990 |
19 |
A. Farina, A. Cocchi |
Utilizzo di Ex-chiese come sale polifunzionali: la chiesa di S.Lucia a
Bologna |
Atti del
XVIII Convegno Nazionale AIA, L'Aquila, 18-20 Aprile 1990 |
20 |
A. Farina, S. Piva |
Analisi acustica di cavità tridimensionali con tecniche agli elementi
finiti |
Atti del
XVIII Convegno Nazionale AIA, L'Aquila, 18-20 Aprile 1990 |
21 |
A. Farina, C. Barabaschi |
Una sala ad acustica variabile: la sala prove "Abanella" dell'
orchestra del Teatro alla Scala |
Atti del
XVIII Convegno Nazionale AIA, L'Aquila, 18-20 Aprile 1990 |
22 |
A. Farina |
I modelli matematici nel calcolo previsionale e nella progettazione |
"Barriere Antirumore", I Libri di Modulo, BE-MA Editrice, Milano
1990 |
23 |
A. Cocchi, A.
Farina, L. Rocco |
Applied Acoustics vol. 30 no. 1 (1990) pagg. 1-13 |
24 |
A. Farina |
Nuove tendenze nell' acquisizione dei dati acustici: strumentazione,
software, normativa |
Atti del
Convegno Nazionale RUMORE e VIBRAZIONI, Bologna e Modena, 20-24 Novembre 1990 |
25 |
A. Farina,
F. Simoni, V. Tarabusi |
Atti del
Convegno Nazionale RUMORE e VIBRAZIONI, Bologna e Modena, 20-24 Novembre 1990 |
26 |
A. Farina |
Modelli matematici per la previsione della diffusione del suono |
Acqua Aria, n.
3, pagg. 257-268, Marzo 1991 |
27 |
A. Cocchi, P.
Fausti, A. Farina |
Qualificazione acustica dei palazzi dello sport: alcuni casi sperimentali |
Atti del XIX
Convegno Nazionale AIA, Napoli, 10-12 Aprile 1991, p. 91-95 |
28 |
A. Farina, M. Garai |
Atti del XIX
Convegno Nazionale AIA, Napoli, 10-12 Aprile 1991 |
29 |
A. Cocchi, A.
Farina, G. Lopes |
Atti del XIX
Convegno Nazionale AIA, Napoli, 10-12 Aprile 1991 |
30 |
A. Farina, R.
Garziera, E. Prati |
Atti del 16° International Seminar on Modal Analysis,
Florence (Italy) 9-12 Settembre 1991 |
31 |
A. Farina, R.
Garziera, E. Prati |
Theoretical - Numerical Modal
Analysis of a portable grinder disk |
Atti del 16th International Seminar on Modal Analysis,
Florence (Italy) 9-12 Settembre 1991 |
32 |
A. Farina, G. Raffellini |
Costruire In
Laterizio, N. 23 pagg. 378-385 (Settembre-Ottobre 1991) |
33 |
G. Di Cesare,
A. Farina, R. Pompoli, G. Raffellini |
9th International Brick/Block Masonry Conference, Berlino,
13-16 ottobre 1991 |
34 |
A. Cocchi, A.
Farina, P. Fausti, M. Garai, G. Semprini |
Proceedings of 6th International FASE Congress, Zurich
29-31 July 1992, p.25-28 |
35 |
A. Farina,
A. Cocchi, M. Garai, G. Semprini |
Old churches as concert halls: a
non-sabinian approach to optimum design of acoustic correction |
Proceedings of 14th I.C.A. - Beijing (China) 3-10
september 1992 |
36 |
M. Garai, A.
Farina, G. Semprini |
Proceedings of 14th I.C.A. - Beijing (China) 3-10
september 1992 |
37 |
A. Farina, S. Piva |
Analisi teorica e sperimentale della trasmissione di radiazione termica
attraverso lastre alveolari |
Atti del 47°
Congresso Nazionale ATI, Parma, 16-18 settembre 1992 |
38 |
A. Farina, R. Pompoli |
Proceedings of 2nd International ATA Conference
"Vehicle Comfort", Bologna 14-16 Ottobre 1992 |
39 |
S. Peretti,
G. Bosco, L. Casolo, A. Farina |
Atti del XXI
Convegno Nazionale AIA - Praglia (PD) 31/3-2/4 1993 |
40 |
S. Peretti,
M. Peruzzi, M. Bellomi, A. Fiorio, L. Gaburro, E. Azzaretto, L. Tronchin, A.
Farina |
Atti del XXI
Convegno Nazionale AIA - Praglia (PD) 31/3-2/4 1993 |
41 |
A. Farina,
L. Rocco, S. Sauro |
Influence of boundary energy
losses on sound transmission through walls |
Proceedings of Noise-CON 93, S. Peterburgh, June 1993 |
42 |
A. Farina |
of anechoic music with binaural impulse responses |
Proc. of PARMA-CM Users Meeting, Parma, 1-2 luglio 1993 |
43 |
A. Farina |
Proc. of International Conference "Acoustics and
recovery of spaces for music", Ferrara 27-28 ottobre 1993 |
44 |
A. Cocchi, A. Farina |
Atti della Conferenza Internazionale "Acoustics and
recovery of spaces for music", Ferrara 27-28 ottobre 1993 |
45 |
P. Fausti, A.
Cocchi, A. Farina |
Atti della Conferenza Internazionale "Acoustics and
recovery of spaces for music, Ferrara 27-28 ottobre 1993, p.97-104 |
46 |
M. Cognini,
A. Farina, R. Pompoli |
Atti della Conferenza Internazionale "Acoustics and
recovery of spaces for music", Ferrara 27-28 ottobre 1993 |
47 |
A. Farina |
Previsione del rumore in ambiente di lavoro a partire
dai dati di potenza sonora |
Atti del seminario
"Rumore e Vibrazioni: Certificazione delle Macchine" - Modena,
dicembre 1993 |
48 |
A. Farina,
P. Galaverna, G. Truffelli |
Atti del XXII
Congresso Nazionale AIA, Lecce, 13-15 aprile 1994 |
49 |
A. Farina |
Tecniche di convoluzione applicate al trattamento di
segnali sonori per prove di ascolto |
Atti del XXII
Congresso Nazionale AIA, Lecce, 13-15 aprile 1994 |
50 |
A. Cocchi -
A. Farina - P. Fausti - R. Pompoli - G. Semprini |
LATERIZIO n° 38, MAR-APR 1994, p.156-163 |
51 |
A. Farina, G. Pagliarini |
Atti del XII
Congresso Naz.le sulla Trasmissione del Calore, UIT, L'Aquila 23-24 giugno
1994 |
52 |
A. Cocchi, A.
Farina, P. Fausti, L. Tronchin |
quality of theatres: correlation between experimental measures and subjective
evaluations |
dell'Istituto di Ingegneria dell'Università di Ferrara n. 014, 28 luglio 1994 |
53 |
M. Garai, A.
Farina, V. Scida |
A simple transfer function
technique for impedance tube measurement |
Proc. of WESTPRAC V, Seoul, Korea, 23-25 August 1994 |
54 |
A. Farina,
L. Rocco, S. Sauro |
L'esposizione al rumore degli aerei negli impianti aeroportuali |
Atti del
Convegno "dBA - Rumore e Vibrazioni", Modena, 20-22 ottobre 1994 |
55 |
A. Farina |
Atti del
Convegno "dBA - Rumore e Vibrazioni", Modena, 20-22 ottobre 1994 |
56 |
A. Farina, P. Fausti |
Proc. of 11th. International FASE Symposium, Valencia
15-17 November 1994 |
57 |
P. Fausti, A.
Farina, R. Pompoli |
Proc. of 11th. International FASE Symposium, Valencia
15-17 November 1994 |
58 |
A. Farina |
function method of investigating the dynamic transfer stiffness of
spring-like insulators |
Proc. of 11th. International FASE Symposium, Valencia
15-17 November 1994 |
59a |
A. Farina |
Manuale di Progettazione Edilizia, vol. II
60 |
A. Farina,
L. Rocco, S. Sauro |
Limiti di tollerabilità del rumore da traffico aereo e interventi di
bonifica acustica |
Italiana di Acustica, Vol. 18 N. 4, pp. 95-104, ottobre-dicembre 1994 |
61 |
A. Farina, L.
Rocco, S. Sauro |
Missili e Spazio, Luglio-Dicembre 1994, p. 114 |
62 |
R. Pompoli,
A. Farina, P. Fausti |
International IOA Conference "Opera and Concert Hall
Acoustics", London Gatwick, 10-12 February 1995 |
63 |
A. Farina |
new Pyramid Tracer for medium and large scale acoustic problems |
Proc. of EURO-NOISE 95 Conference, Lyon 21-23 march 1995 |
64 |
A. Farina,
L. Rocco, S. Sauro |
Grandezze caratteristiche del rumore da sorgenti mobili e loro
misurazione |
nel volume
"Inquinamento da Rumore", a cura di Alberto Frigerio, Ed. GSISR,
Milano 1995 |
65 |
A. Farina, L. Maffei |
Propagation Outdoor: comparison between numerical previsions and experimental
results |
In the volume "Computational Acoustics and its
Environmental Applications" pp. 57-64, Editor C.A. Brebbia,
Computational Mechanics Publications, Southampton (GB) 1995 |
66 |
A. Farina |
Tracing vs. Ray Tracing for the simulation of sound propagation in large
rooms |
In the volume "Computational Acoustics and its
Environmental Applications", pp. 109-116, Editor C.A. Brebbia,
Computational Mechanics Publications, Southampton (GB) 1995 |
67 |
A. Farina,
L. Rocco, S. Sauro |
Proc. of CIARM95, 2th Internat. Conf. on Acoustics and
Musical Research, Ferrara 19-21 May 1995 |
68 |
A. Farina,
A. Langhoff, L. Tronchin |
Proc. of CIARM95, 2nd Internat. Conf. on Acoustics and
Musical Research, Ferrara 19-21 May 1995 |
69 |
A. Farina,
A. Langhoff, L. Tronchin |
comparisons of 'virtual' violins obtained by convolution |
Proc. of CIARM95, 2nd Internat. Conf. on Acoustics and
Musical Research, Ferrara 19-21 May 1995 |
70 |
P. Fabbri, A.
Farina, P. Fausti, R. Pompoli |
Proc. of CIARM95, 2nd Intern. Conf. on Acoustics and
Musical Research, Ferrara 19-21 May 1995 |
71 |
A. Cocchi, A.
Farina, L. Tronchin |
assisted methods and acoustic quality: recent restoration case histories |
Proceedings oh MCHA95, Kirishima (Japan) 15-18 May 1995 |
72 |
A. Farina, S.
Rainieri, G. Pagliarini |
Atti del
XIII° Congresso Nazionale sulla Trasmissione del Calore - U.I.T. - Bologna
(22-23 giugno 1995) |
73 |
A. Farina |
ICA95 (International Conference on Acoustics), Trondheim
(Norway) 26-30 June 1995 |
74 |
A. Farina, P. Fausti |
ICA95 (International Conference on Acoustics), Trondheim
(Norway) 26-30 June 1995 |
75 |
Fausti, A.
Farina, R. Pompoli |
ICA95 (International Conference on Acoustics), Trondheim
(Norway) 26-30 June 1995 |
76 |
R. Pompoli,
A. Farina, P. Fausti |
ICA95 (International Conference on Acoustics), Trondheim
(Norway) 26-30 June 1995 |
77 |
A. Farina |
ICA95 (International Conference on Acoustics), Trondheim
(Norway) 26-30 June 1995 |
78 |
A. Farina |
Noise & Vibration Worldwide - Vol.26, No. 6, June
1995, pag.6-9 |
79 |
A. Farina,
A. Langhoff, L. Tronchin |
of violin impulse response by listening to convoluted signals |
ISMA95, International Symposium on Musical Acoustics,
Paris 2-6 July 1995 |
80 |
E. Cirillo,
A. Farina, M. Garai, G. Semprini |
"Manuale sulla qualità Fisico-Tecnica dell'ambiente costruito",
coordin. prof. M. Filippi, Vol.2, punto C-3 - Progetto Finalizzato Energetica
del C.N.R., 1995 |
81 |
A. Farina, E. Ugolotti |
italiana di Acustica, Vol. 19, n. 3 pp.55, Settembre 1995 |
82 |
Peretti A.,
Gravino M., Fausti P., Farina A |
Determinazione della potenza sonora e del livello di
pressione sonora al posto operatore |
Atti del 23°
Convegno Nazionale AMBIENTE e RISORSE, 4-6 settembre 1995, Bressanone (BZ),
p.319-327 |
83 |
Pompoli R.,
Farina A., Fausti P., Bassanino M., Invernizzi S., Menini L. |
Proc. of 18th International Congress for Noise Abatement
AICB, Bologna, 12-14 settembre 1995, supplement, p.523-559 |
84 |
A. Peretti.,
M. Gravino, P. Apostoli, G. Alessandro, A. Farina |
Vibrazioni prodotte da avvitatori ad impulso:
determinazione dell’esposizione mediante il "SEL" |
Atti del
XXIII Convegno Nazionale AIA, Bologna, 12-14 settembre 1995, p. 225-230 |
85 |
A. Farina |
Metrologia del rumore da aeromobili, certificazione
acustica e impatto sul territorio |
Atti della
Conferenza Nazionale "Strategie di controllo del rumore
aeronautico" - Firenze, 6 Dicembre 1995 - pubblicato anche sul
Bollettino degli Ingegneri del Collegio degli Ingegneri della Toscana, anno
XLII, ottobre 1995, n. 10 |
86 |
Fausti P.,
Pompoli R., Farina A. |
and field measurements of airborne sound insulation using the sound intensity
technique |
Acustica - Acta Acustica Vol. 82 (1996), suppl. 1, p. S101 |
87 |
Farina A.,
Brero G., Pollone G. |
code based on experimental results for acoustical mapping of urban areas |
Proc. of NOISE & PLANNING 96, Pisa (28-31 May 1996) |
88 |
Farina A., Brero G. |
code based on experimental results for designing sound reduction devices |
Proc. of NOISE & PLANNING 96, Pisa (28-31 May 1996) |
89 |
Rainieri S.,
Farina A., Pagliarini G. |
Proc. of 2nd European Thermal-Sciences Conference
(EUROTHERM) - Roma (29-31 May 1996) |
90 |
Farina A.,
Fausti P., Pompoli R., Scamoni |
Atti del XXIV
Convegno Nazionale AIA, Trento, 12-14 giugno 1996 |
91 |
A. Farina, P.
Fausti, R. Pompoli, F. Scamoni |
Proc. of EUROGYPSUM Congress, Versailles, 5 June 1996 |
92 |
A.Cocchi, A.
Farina, M. Garai, L. Tronchin |
assisted methods and acoustic quality: recent application cases |
in Y.Ando and N.Doson (editors) - "Music and concert
hall acoustics", Academic Press, London, August 1996 |
93 |
A.Farina, P.
Fausti, R. Pompoli, F. Scamoni |
of laboratory measurements of airborne sound insulation of partitions |
Proc. of INTERNOISE 1996, Liverpool (GB), 30/7-2/8 1996 |
94 |
A. Farina, A. Torelli |
of the sound absorption coefficient of materials with a new sound intensity
technique |
Pre-prints of the 102nd AES Conference, Berlin, 23-26
March 1997 |
95 |
A. Farina, L. Tronchin |
Il Trattamento Digitale Degli Spazi Per La Musica: Una
Verifica Sperimentale |
Atti del XXV
Convegno Nazionale AIA, Perugia, 2-4 giugno 1997 |
96 |
A.I., Rainieri S., Farina A., Pagliarini G. |
experimental technique for enhancement of spatial resolution in heat transfer
measurements |
Proc. of 4th World Conference on experimental heat
transfer, fluid mechanics and thermodynamics ExHFT 4 - Brussels, 2-6 June
1997 |
97 |
A. Farina, F. Righini |
Pre-prints of the 103rd AES Convention, New York, 26-29
September 1997 |
98 |
A. Farina, E. Ugolotti |
Subjective comparison of different
car audio systems by the auralization technique |
Pre-prints of the 103rd AES Convention, New York, 26-29
September 1997 |
99 |
A. Farina, E. Ugolotti |
Use of
digital inverse filtering techniques for improving car audio systems |
Pre-prints of the 103rd AES Convention, New York, 26-29
September 1997 |
100 |
A. Farina, E. Ugolotti |
evaluation of the sound quality in cars by the auralisation technique |
Proc. of 4th International Conference and Exhibition
Comfort in the automotive industry - Bologna (Italy) October 2-3, 1997 |
101 |
A. Farina, E. Ugolotti |
equalisation of sound systems in cars by digital inverse filtering |
Proc. of 4th International Conference and Exhibition
Comfort in the automotive industry - Bologna (Italy) October 2-3, 1997 |
102 |
A. Farina, E. Ugolotti |
evaluation of the sound quality in cars by the auralisation technique |
Proc. of IOA Conference "Reproduced Sound 13",
Hydro Hotel, Bowness on Windermere, GB, October 24-26 1997 |
103 |
A. Farina, E. Ugolotti |
equalisation of sound systems in cars by digital inverse filtering |
Proc. of IOA Conference "Reproduced Sound 13",
Hydro Hotel, Bowness on Windermere, GB, October 24-26 1997 |
104 |
A. Farina |
Atti del
Seminario sul tema "Qualificazione acustica delle costruzioni edili
civili ed industriali", Modena, 15 Novembre 1997 |
105 |
L. Tronchin, A. Farina |
Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, New York,
December 1997 |
106 |
A. Farina, P. Fausti |
Misure di isolamento, del rumore di calpestio e del tempo di
riverberazione |
atti del
convegno Edilizia e Ambiente, Trento, 18-20 febbraio 1998 |
107 |
A. Farina |
Valutazione di impatto acustico previsionale
relativamente alle sorgenti più diffuse |
Atti del
Seminario sul tema "Acustica Ambientale - effetti sull'uomo e
pianificazione del territorio" - Repubblica di S.Marino, 9 maggio 1998 |
108 |
A. Farina, E. Ugolotti |
Pre-prints of the 104th AES Convention, Amsterdam, 1998
May 16-19 |
109 |
A. Farina, E. Ugolotti |
Pre-prints of the 104th AES Convention, Amsterdam, 1998
May 16-19 |
110 |
A. Peretti,
M. Gravino, A. Farina |
Valutazione del rischio da rumore a cui sono esposti i
centralinisti telefonici |
Atti del XXVI
Congresso Nazionale AIA, Torino, maggio 1998 |
111 |
A. Bellini,
G. Cibelli, E. Ugolotti, A. Farina, C. Morandi |
Non-linear digital audio
processor for dedicated loudspeaker systems |
Proc. of International IEEE Conference on Consumer
Electronics, Los Angeles, June 1998 |
112 |
Fausti, Angelo Farina, Roberto Pompoli |
in opera houses: comparison between different techniques and equipment |
Proc. of ICA98 - International Conference on Acoustics,
Seattle (WA), 26-30 June 1998 |
113 |
Angelo Farina, Lamberto Tronchin |
3D Impulse
Response measurements on S.Maria del Fiore Church, Florence, Italy |
Proc. of ICA98 - International Conference on Acoustics,
Seattle (WA), 26-30 June 1998 |
114 |
A. Bellini,
G. Cibelli, E. Ugolotti, A. Farina, C. Morandi |
Non-linear digital audio
processor for dedicated loudspeaker systems |
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, vol. 44, n. 3,
August 1998 |
115 |
A. Farina, G. Fornari |
Studio della propagazione del rumore in ambienti
industriali bassi e vasti |
Atti del
convegno dBA-98, Modena, 16-18 settembre 1998 |
116 |
Angelo Farina |
MLS Impulse
Response Measurements For Underwater Bottom Profiling |
4th European Conference on Underwater
Acoustics, Rome, 21-25 September 1998 |
117 |
A. Farina |
Modelli numerici per il rumore da traffico stradale e
ferroviario in aree urbane |
Atti del
Convegno "Rumore? Ci stiamo muovendo - Secondo seminario
sull'Inquinamento Acustico" - Roma, 26-27 ottobre 1998 |
118 |
A. Farina, E. Ugolotti |
Proc. of 15th AES Conference "Audio, Acoustics &
Small Spaces", Copenhagen, Denmark, 31/10-2/11 1998 |
119 |
A. Farina, P.
Galaverna, M. Giabbani |
Il processo di auralizzazione: metodologia ed
esemplificazione |
Atti del
Convegno "L'acustica dei teatri storici: un bene culturale" -
Ferrara, 4 novembre 1998 |
120 |
A. Farina, E.
Ugolotti, Bellini, G. Cibelli,C. Morandi |
numerical filters for linearisation of loudspeaker's response |
DAFX-98 Conference, November 19-21, 1998 Barcelona, Spain |
121 |
A. Farina, E. Ugolotti |
model of the sound field inside cars for the creation of virtual audible
reconstructions |
DAFX-98 Conference, November 19-21, 1998 Barcelona, Spain |
122 |
G. Fornari, A. Farina |
Studio della propagazione del rumore in ambienti industriali bassi e
vasti |
delle Bevande (ISSN 0390-0541), anno 27, n. 158, Dicembre 1998, pp. 585-596 |
123 |
Angelo Farina, Andreas Langhoff, Lamberto Tronchin |
characterisation of "virtual" musical instruments: using MLS
technique on ancient violins |
Journal of New Music Research (ISSN 0929-8215), Swets
& Zeitlinger Publ., vol. 27, N. 4, December 1998, pp. 359-379 |
124 |
P. Fabbri, A.
Farina, P. Fausti, R. Pompoli |
nel volume
"Giambattista Aleotti e gli Ingegneri del Rinascimento" a cura di
A.Fiocca, Leo S. Olschki editore, Firenze 1998 |
124b |
A. Farina, R.
Garziera, S. Ranieri |
Experimental, Theoretical
and Numerical Analysis of a Damped Portable–Grinder Disk |
17th International Modal Analysis Conference. Florida,
8-11 febbraio 1999, vol. 1, p. 215-223 |
125 |
A. Farina |
Atti del
Seminario "L'acustica negli edifici e nelle città"- Firenze, 26
marzo 1999 |
126 |
A. Farina, E. Ugolotti |
16th AES Conference, Rovaniemi (Finland), 10-12 April 1999
127 |
G. Cibelli,
A. Bellini, E. Ugolotti, A. Farina, C. Morandi |
validation of loudspeaker equalization inside car cockpits |
106th AES Convention, Munich, 8-11 may 1999 |
128 |
O.Kirkeby, P.A. Nelson, P. Rubak, A. Farina |
Design of
Cross-talk Cancellation Networks by using Fast Deconvolution |
106th AES Convention, Munich, 8-11 may 1999 |
129 |
A. Farina, I. Tonella |
Atti del 27°
Convegno Nazionale AIA - Genova, 26-28 maggio 1999 |
130 |
A. Peretti,
A. Farina et al. |
Il rumore in cuffia: valutazione del
rischio e bonifica presso un centralino
telefonico |
Atti del 18°
Congresso Nazionale dell'Associazione Italiana degli Igienisti Industriali
(Bari 30 giugno - 3 luglio 1999) |
131 |
A. Farina |
Propagazione sonora e previsione del rumore negli
ambienti di lavoro |
atti del
seminario "rumore e vibrazioni negli ambienti di lavoro: dalla
valutazione alla bonifica" - Modena, 23 settembre 1999 |
132 |
Ole Kirkeby, Per Rubak, Angelo Farina |
Analysis of ill-conditioning of
multi-channel deconvolution problems |
1999 IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to
Audio and Acoustics - Mohonk Mountain House New Paltz, New York October
17-20, 1999 |
133 |
A. Bellini,
A. Cannizzaro, E. Ugolotti, A. Farina, C. Morandi |
Experimental validation of
stereo dipole systems inside car cockpits |
International Conference on Signal Processing Applications
and Technology (ICSPAT 99), Orlando, Florida, November 1-4, 1999 |
134 |
A. Farina |
Simultaneous measurement of
impulse response and distortion with a swept-sine technique |
108th AES Convention, Paris 18-22 February 2000 |
135 |
A. Farina |
108th AES Convention, Paris 18-22 February 2000 |
136 |
A. Farina, M.
Zanolin, E. Crema |
108th AES Convention, Paris 18-22 February 2000 |
137 |
M. Zanolin,
A.Farina, P.Podini, S. De Stabile, P.Vezzoni |
108th AES Convention, Paris 18-22 February 2000 |
138 |
A. Farina |
International Symposium on Surface Diffusion in Room
Acoustics - Liverpool (GB) 16 April 2000 |
139 |
A. Farina |
ACOUSTICS 2000 - IOA Conference, Liverpool (GB) 17-18
April 2000 |
140 |
A.Farina |
Invited Paper on Advances in Engineering Software, ISSN
0965-9978, vol. 31/4, pp. 241-250, Elsevier Applied Science, April 2000 |
141 |
A. Farina, P. Fausti |
Acoustic measurements in opera
houses: comparison between different techniques and equipment |
Journal of Sound and Vibration, vol.232, no. 1, April
2000, ISSN 0022-460X, pp. 213-229 |
142 |
A. Bellini,
E.Armelloni, E. Ugolotti, G. Cibelli, A. Farina |
Experimental validation of
warping filters inside car cockpits |
Proc. of International IEEE Conference on Consumer
Electronics, Los Angeles, June 2000 |
143 |
L. Tronchin,
A. Farina, M. Pontillo, V. Tarabusi |
Binaural hearing and its
numerical representation with an Eulerian approach |
Seventh International Congress On Sound And Vibration
ICSV7 - Garmisch-Partenkirchen GERMANY July 4-7, 2000 |
144 |
L. Tronchin, A. Farina |
Seventh International Congress On Sound And Vibration
ICSV7 - Garmisch-Partenkirchen GERMANY July 4-7, 2000 |
145 |
A. Farina, G. Fornari |
Progettista Industriale, ISSN 0392-4823, N. 7, Luglio 2000, pp. 48-52 |
146 |
A. Farina, A.
Bellini, E. Armelloni |
Proc. of SHARC2000,
Boston, 11-13 September 2000 |
147 |
A. Bellini,
E. Ugolotti, G. Cibelli, A. Farina, C. Morandi, G. Gobbi |
APLODSP, design of customizable
Audio Processor for LOudspeaker system compensation by DSP |
109th AES Audio
Convention, Los Angeles, 18-22 September 2000 |
148 |
A. Bellini,
E. Armelloni, G. Cibelli, E. Ugolotti, A. Farina |
Experimental validation of
equalizing filter for car cockpits designed with Warping technique |
109th AES Audio
Convention, Los Angeles, 18-22 September 2000 |
149 |
A. Farina, L. Tronchin |
Acustica, vol. 86, n. 4 pp. 737-745, ISSN 1436-7947, October 2000 |
150 |
A. Farina |
A new method for measuring the
scattering coefficient and the diffusion coefficient of panels |
Acustica, vol. 86, n. 6 pp. 928-942, ISSN 1436-7947, December 2000 |
151 |
A. Bellini,
G. Cibelli, E. Armelloni, E. Ugolotti, A. Farina |
Transactions on Consumer Electronics, vol. 47, no. 1, pp. 108-116, ISSN
0098-3063, February 2001 |
152 |
E. Ugolotti,
G. Gobbi, A. Farina |
IPA - A Subjective Assessment
Method of Sound Quality of Car Sound Systems |
Proceedings of the 110th
AES Convention, 2001 May 12-15 Amsterdam, The Netherlands |
153 |
A. Farina, G.
Cibelli, A. Bellini |
Proceedings of the 110th
AES Convention, 2001 May 12-15 Amsterdam, The Netherlands |
154 |
A. Farina, A.
Bellini, E. Armelloni |
Non-Linear Convolution: A New
Approach For The Auralization Of Distorting Systems |
Proceedings of the 110th
AES Convention, 2001 May 12-15 Amsterdam, The Netherlands |
155 |
A. Farina, R.
Glasgal, E. Armelloni, A. Torger |
Ambiophonic Principles for the
Recording and Reproduction of Surround Sound for Music |
19th AES
Conference on Surround Sound, Techniques, Technology and Perception -
Schloss Elmau, Germany, 21-24 June 2001. |
156 |
A. Farina |
Acoustic quality of
theatres: correlation between experimental measures and subjective
evaluations |
Acoustics, Volume 62, Issue 8, Pages 889-1023 (August 2001). |
157 |
A. Farina, L.Tronchin |
Comparison between measurements
of the scattering and diffusion coefficients |
Invited Paper in the Structured Session on “Scattering in
Room Acoustics”, ICA-2001, Rome, September 2-7, 2001. |
158 |
A. Farina, L.Tronchin |
Computer simulation of Binaural,
Stereo-Dipole, B-format and Ambiophonics impulse responses |
Invited Paper in the Structured Session on “Binaural
Hearing and Spatialisation”, ICA-2001, Rome, September 2-7, 2001. |
159 |
A. Peretti,
F. De Masi, A. Bonaldo, M. Baiamonte, A. Farina |
Italiana AIA, ICA-2001, Rome, September 2-7, 2001. |
160 |
A. Peretti,
F. De Masi, A. Bonaldo, M. Baiamonte, A. Farina |
Italiana AIA, ICA-2001, Rome, September 2-7, 2001. |
161 |
A. Peretti, A. Farina, F. De Masi, A. Bonaldo, M. Baiamonte |
Modello di previsione del rumore veicolare impiegato per la città di
Merano |
Italiana AIA, ICA-2001, Rome, September 2-7, 2001. |
162 |
L. Tronchin,
V. Tarabusi, A. Farina, A. Giusto |
Spatialization and acoustical
simulation in the binaural technology |
International Symposium on Musical Acoustics, Perugia
(Italy), 10-14 September 2001 |
163 |
A. Farina |
Seminario Top
Audio 2001 "L'acustica dei piccoli ambienti d'ascolto" - AES Italian Section, Milano, 15 settembre
2001. |
164 |
A. Torger, A. Farina |
Real-time partitioned
convolution for Ambiophonics surround sound |
2001 IEEE
Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics -
Mohonk Mountain House New Paltz, New York October 21-24, 2001. |
165 |
A. Peretti,
A. Farina, F. De Masi, A. Bonaldo, M. Baiamonte |
Atti del
Convegno di Igiene Industriale "Le giornate di Corvara", Corvara,
20-22 marzo 2002. |
166 |
E. Ugolotti,
E. Armelloni, F. Bozzoli, A. Farina |
Effects of the background
noise of the perceived quality of car audio systems |
112th AES
Convention, Munich, 10-13 May 2002 |
167 |
A. Farina, A.
Bellini, M. Romagnoli |
Different approaches for
the equalization of automotive sound systems |
112th AES
Convention, Munich, 10-13 May 2002 |
168 |
A. Cavaliere, A. Farina, L. Gregori, G.A. Zanetta |
29° Convegno Nazionale A.I.A., Ferrara, 12-14 giugno 2002 |
169 |
D Commins, R Pompoli, A Farina, P Fausti, N Prodi |
Acoustics of Teatro degli Arcimboldi in Milano: design, computer and scale models, details, results |
IOA Conference
AUDITORIUM ACOUSTICS 2002, Imperial College (London), 19-21 July 2002 |
170 |
A. Cocchi, L. Tronchin, A. Farina, M. Cesare |
A comparison between some measurement techniques in the Foligno Auditorium |
IOA Conference
AUDITORIUM ACOUSTICS 2002, Imperial College (London), 19-21 July 2002 |
171 |
A. Azzali, A. Bellini, A. Farina, E. Ugolotti |
Design and Implementation of Psychoacoustics Equalizer
for Infotainment |
DSP Application Day, Politecnico di Milano, 23 September 2002 |
172 |
A. Peretti, F. Pedrielli, M. Baiamonte, F. Mauli, |
dBA 2002, Modena, 25-27 settembre 2002 |
173 |
A. Farina, F. Bozzoli |
113th AES
Convention, Los Angeles, 5-8 October 2002 |
174 |
A. Farina, G. Fornari |
Propagazione del rumore in ambienti industriali
bassi e vasti |
Analsi &
Calcolo, anno IV, n. 12, Gen-Mar 2003, pp. 23-26 |
175 |
A. Peretti, G. Barbi, A. Tombolato, M. Baiamonte, G. Brambilla, A.
Farina, P. Spagna, A. Baldo |
Città di Chioggia: classificazione acustica,
misura del rumore da traffico e modellizzazione |
AIDII "Le Giornate di Corvara 2003", Corvara, 19-21 Marzo
2003 |
176 |
A. Peretti, F. Pedrielli, M. Baiamonte, F. Mauli, A.
Farina |
Esposizione a rumore di
lavoratori che impiegano dispositivi di ricezione |
AIDII "Le Giornate di Corvara 2003", Corvara, 19-21 Marzo 2003 |
177 |
A. Azzali, A. Bellini, E. Carpanoni, M. Romagnoli, A.
Farina |
AQTtool an automatic tool for
design and synthesis of psychoacoustic Equalizers
114th AES
Convention, Amsterdam, 22-25 March 2003 |
178 |
Angelo Farina, Luca Gregori, Gian Antonio Zanetta |
Sviluppi della metodologia sonica per la misura
di temperatura dei gas in generatori di vapore |
Conferenza AIPnD 2003, Ravenna, 2-4 Aprile 2003 |
179 |
A. Farina, A. Avanzini |
Registrazione della risposta acustica delle sale
da concerto per i posteri |
Seminario AES-Italia "Workshop sulle tecniche di ripresa stereofoniche
multicanale per le orchestre sinfoniche" - Adria, 16 maggio 2003 |
180 |
F.Bozzoli and P.Strasser |
Euronoise 2003
Conference, Naples, 19-21 May 2003 |
181 |
A. Peretti,
F. Pedrielli, M. Baiamonte, F. Mauli and A. Farina |
Headphone Noise:
Occupational Noise Exposure Assessment for Communication Personnel |
Euronoise 2003
Conference, Naples, 19-21 May 2003 |
182 |
A. Peretti,
G. Barbi, A. Tombolato, M. Baiamonte, G. Brambilla, A. Farina, P. Spagna, A.
Baldo |
Acoustic zoning of Chioggia,
road traffic noise measurements and mathematical model |
Euronoise 2003
Conference, Naples, 19-21 May 2003 |
183 |
A. Farina, P. Fausti |
Euronoise 2003
Conference, Naples, 19-21 May 2003 |
184 |
F. Bozzoli,
A. Farina, P. Strasser, C. Castagnetti, C. Scaffidi |
Automotive Conference 2003, Luzern, 4-6 June 2003 |
185 |
A. Farina, R. Ayalon |
24th AES
Conference on Multichannel Audio, Banff, Canada, 26-28 June 2003 |
186 |
F. Bozzoli, A. Farina |
115th AES
Convention, New York, 10-13 October 2003 |
187 |
C. Varani, E.
Armelloni, A. Farina |
115th AES
Convention, New York, 10-13 October 2003 |
188 |
E. Armelloni,
C. Giottoli, A. Farina |
Implementation of Real-Time
Partitioned Convolution on a DSP Board |
2003 IEEE
Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics -
October 19-22, 2003, New Paltz, NY |
189 |
L. Tronchin,
A. Farina, T. Hotehama, R. Shimokura, V. Tarabusi |
The calculation of Binaural
Parameters by means of HRTFs and Ando’s method |
ICA 2004,
Kyoto (Japan) 4-9 April 2004 |
190 |
A. Farina, L. Tronchin |
Advanced Techniques For
Measuring And Reproducing Spatial Sound Properties Of Auditoria |
RADS 2004,
Hyogo (Japan) 11-13 April 2004 |
191 |
A. Farina, L.
Tronchin, V. Tarabusi |
RADS 2004,
Hyogo (Japan) 11-13 April 2004 |
192 |
L. Tronchin,
A. Farina, V. Tarabusi |
Studio di impatto acustico e vibrazionale nella realizzazione di
infrastrutture viarie e ferroviarie |
31° Convegno Nazionale AIA, Venezia, 5-7 Maggio 2004 |
193 |
F. Bozzoli, A. Farina |
Measurement of Active Speech
Level inside cars using throat-activated microphone |
116th AES
Convention, Berlin, Germany, 8-11 May 2004 |
194 |
A. Farina, E.
Armelloni, P. Martignon |
An experimental comparative
study of 20 Italian opera houses: measurement techniques |
Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, New York (USA), 24-28 May
2004 |
195 |
A. Ceserani,
A. Farina, L. Gregori, G.A. Zanetta |
A sonic approach for the
measurement of gas temperature in power generation boilers |
5 Conférence Internationale "Méthodes de Surveillance et
Techniques de Diagnostic Acoustiques et Vibratoires", CETIM Senlis -
France, 11 - 13 octobre 2004 |
196 |
A. Azzali, A.
Farina, G. Rovai, G. Boreanaz, G. Irato |
117th AES
Convention, San Francisco, USA, 28-31 October 2004 |
197 |
F. Bozzoli, A. Farina |
117th AES
Convention, San Francisco, USA, 28-31 October 2004 |
198 |
A. Farina, P.
Martignon, A. Azzali, A. Capra |
Listening Tests Performed
Inside a Virtual Room Acoustic Simulator |
I seminario
Música Ciênca e Tecnologia "Acústica Musical", São Paolo do Brasil, 3-5 November 2004 |
199 |
A. Farina |
La modellistica previsionale applicata al
risanamento ed alla prevenzione: teoria ed esempi |
"Il rumore prodotto dalle infrastrutture
di trasporto",
Parma, 19-20 novembre 2004 |
200 |
A. Farina, L.Tronchin |
nel volume
"Acustica Musicale ed Architettonica", UTET Libreria, Torino 2004, ISBN 88-7750 -941-4 |
201 |
A. Ceserani,
L. Gregori, G.A. Zanetta, A. Farina |
A sonic approach for the
measurement of gas temperature in power generation boilers |
& Techniques n. 38, 3e
Trimestre 2004, ISSN 1263-8072 |
202 |
A. Farina, L. Tronchin |
Measurement And Reproducing of
Spatial Sound Characteristics Of Auditoria |
Science and Technology, vol. 26, n.2, March 2005, ISSN 1346-3969 |
203 |
F. Bozzoli,
A. Farina, M. Viktorovitch |
Balloons of Directivity of Real
and Artificial Mouth Used in Determining Speech Transmission Index |
118th AES
Convention, Barcelona, 28-31 May 2005, pre-print n. 6492 |
204 |
E. Armelloni,
A. Farina, P. Martignon |
Comparison between Different
Surround Reproduction Systems: ITU 5.1 vs PanAmbio 4.1 |
118th AES
Convention, Barcelona, 28-31 May 2005, pre-print n. 6444 |
205 |
A. Azzali, P.
Bilzi, E. Carpanoni, A. Farina |
Comparison of Different Listening
Systems for Speech Intelligibility Tests |
118th AES
Convention, Barcelona, 28-31 May 2005, pre-print n. 6356 |
206 |
A. Azzali, D.
Cabrera, A. Capra, A. Farina, P. Martignon |
Reproduction of Auditorium
Spatial Impression with Binaural and Stereophonic Sound Systems |
118th AES
Convention, Barcelona, 28-31 May 2005, pre-print n. 6485 |
207 |
Viktorovitch, F. Bozzoli, A. Farina |
Implementation of a new metric
for assessing and optimising speech intelligibility inside cars |
Rieter Automotive Conference 2005, Luzern, 8-10 June 2005 |
208 |
E. Armelloni,
A. Farina, L. Burgalassi |
International Conference “Underwater
Acoustic Measurements: Technologies &Results” Heraklion, Crete,
Greece, 28th June – 1st July 2005 |
209 |
D. Cabrera,
A. Azzali, A. Capra, A. Farina, P. Martignon |
Perceived room size and source distance in five simulated concert auditoria |
International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Lisbon, 11-14 July 2005 |
210 |
F. Bozzoli,
P. Bilzi, A. Farina |
Influence of artificial mouth’s
directivity in determining Speech Transmission Index |
119th AES
Convention, New York, 7-10 October 2005, convention paper n. 6571 |
211 |
A. Farina, E. Armelloni |
Emulation of Not-Linear, Time-Variant devices by the convolution technique |
Congresso AES Italia 2005, Como, 3-5 November 2005 |
212 |
A. Peretti,
G. Brambilla, M. Baiamonte, M. Tonazzo, P. Spagna, D. Campaner, F. Colletto,
A. Farina, G. Barbi, A. Tombolato |
Costruzione di un modello di previsione del
rumore da traffico veicolare |
Giornale degli Igienisti Industriali. Vol. 31, n. 1, Gennaio 2006, pp. 35-40, ISSN
1122-1666 |
213 |
A. Farina, P.
Galaverna, G. Truffelli |
6° Congresso nazionale CIRIAF, Perugia, 7-8 Aprile 2006 |
214 |
E. Armelloni,
L. Pasini, A. Farina |
6° Congresso nazionale CIRIAF, Perugia, 7-8 Aprile 2006 |
215 |
A. Farina, P.
Galaverna, G. Truffelli |
Software previsionale acustico per esterni: un
nuovo approccio multialgoritmo e multipiattaforma |
6° Congresso nazionale CIRIAF, Perugia, 7-8 Aprile 2006 |
216 |
A. Farina |
Valutazione dei livelli di vibrazioni in edifici residenziali |
Rivista Neo-EUBIOS, n. 16. Maggio 2006 - ISSN 1825-5515 |
217 |
S. Fontana,
A. Farina, Y Grenier |
A System for Head Related Impulse
Responses Rapid Measurement and Direct |
120th AES
Convention, Paris 20-23 May 2006 |
218 |
A. Farina |
Seoul (Korea), June 26-28, 2006 |
219 |
P. Bonfiglio,
N. Prodi. P. Fausti, A. Farina |
On the use of A P-U Sound Intensity
Probe for the Qualification of Complex Surface Properties |
ICSV13, Vienna,
Austria, July 2-6, 2006 |
220 |
A. Farina, P.
Galaverna, G. Truffelli |
Simplified mapping algorithm for
fast surveys, requiring minimal input data |
ICSV13, Vienna,
Austria, July 2-6, 2006 |
221 |
A. Capra, M.
Binelli, D. Marmiroli, P. Martignon, A. Farina |
ICSV13, Vienna,
Austria, July 2-6, 2006 |
222 |
A. Capra, M.
Binelli, D. Marmiroli, P. Martignon, A. Farina |
121th AES
Convention, S.Francisco, 5-8 October 2006 |
223 |
L. Rizzi, A.
Farina, P. Galaverna, P. Martignon, L. Conti, A. Rosati |
Surface scattering uniformity
measurements in reflection free environments |
121th AES
Convention, S.Francisco, 5-8 October 2006 |
224 |
A. Farina, P.
Martignon, A. Capra, S. Fontana |
Measuring impulse responses
containing complete spatial information |
Joint Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America and the Acoustical
Society of Japan - Honolulu, Hawaii, 28 November-2 December 2006 |
224b |
A. Farina, P.
Martignon, A. Capra, S. Fontana |
Measuring impulse responses
containing complete spatial information |
AES-UK Conference 2007, Cambridge, UK, 11-12 April 2007 |
225 |
G. Araneo, A.
Farina, A. Frova |
Study of
Acoustical Properties in Santa Cecilia Concert Hall in Rome |
Musicale, 2, pp 205-227 (2006) ISSN: 1123-8615 |
226 |
A. Farina |
Advancements in impulse response
measurements by sine sweeps |
122th AES
Convention, Vienna, Austria, 5-8 May 2007 |
227 |
S. Campanini,
S. Fontana, A. Farina |
34° Convegno Nazionale AIA - Firenze, 13-15 Giugno 2007 |
228 |
A. Azzali, P.
Miglietta, G. Orefice, A. Farina |
34° Convegno Nazionale AIA - Firenze, 13-15 Giugno 2007 |
229 |
A. Cammi, P.
Martignon, A. Capra, A. Farina |
34° Convegno Nazionale AIA - Firenze, 13-15 Giugno 2007 |
230 |
F. Bozzoli,
R. Ghidini, C. Varani, G. Frassi, A. Farina |
34° Convegno Nazionale AIA - Firenze, 13-15 Giugno 2007 |
231 |
Y.Grenier and A. Farina |
International Conference on Auditory Display, Montréal, Canada, June
26-29, 2007 |
232 |
A. Farina, A.
Capra, P. Martignon, S. Fontana, F. Adriaensen, P. Galaverna, D. Malham |
14th International
Congress on Sound and Vibration - Cairns (Australia) 9-12 July 2007 |
232b |
Alessandro Peretti, Pietro Nataletti, Aldo Pieroni, Renata Sisto, Francesco Pedrielli, Angelo Farina |
Turkish Acoustical Society - 36th International Congress and Exhibition on Noise Control Engineering, INTER-NOISE 2007 ISTANBUL Vol. 5 - pages 3182-3190 | |
233 |
A. Farina, S.
Fontana, S. Campanini |
New method for auralizing the
results of room acoustics simulations |
19th International
Congress on Acoustics (ICA) - Madrid (Spain), 2-7 September 2007 |
234 |
A.Capra; L.Conti; P.Martignon; F.Fazi |
19th International
Congress on Acoustics (ICA) - Madrid (Spain), 2-7 September 2007 |
235 |
A.Farina, P.Galaverna, P. Martignon, L.Conti, A.Rosati |
Study of scattering panel pairs
in a virtually anechoic environment |
19th International
Congress on Acoustics (ICA) - Madrid (Spain), 2-7 September 2007 |
236 |
A. Codarin,
L.E. Wisocki, F. Ladich, A. Farina, M. Spoto, M. Picciulin |
IBAC Congress - Pavia, Italy, September 15-18, 2007 |
237 |
F.Adriaensen, D.Torelli, A.Farina |
AES 32nd
International Conference, Hillerød, Denmark, 2007 September 21–23 |
238 |
A. Farina |
23rd Nordic Sound
Symposium, Bolkesjø (Norway) 27 – 30 September 2007 |
239 |
A. Capra, S.
Fontana, F. Adriaensen, A. Farina, Y. Grenier |
Listening Tests of the
Localization Performance of Stereodipole and Ambisonic Systems |
123th AES
Convention - New York (USA), 5-8 October 2007 |
240 |
L.Rizzi, A.
Farina, P. Galaverna, P. Martignon, A. Rosati, L. Conti |
Scattering Uniformity
Measurements and First Reflection Analysis in a Large Nonanechoic Environment |
123th AES
Convention - New York (USA), 5-8 October 2007 |
241 |
Angelo Farina, Adriano Farina |
Real-Time Auralization Employing
a Not-Linear, Not-Time-Invariant Convolver |
123th AES
Convention - New York (USA), 5-8 October 2007 |
241b |
Adriano Farina |
123th AES
Convention - New York (USA), 5-8 October 2007 |
242 |
Rizzi, Angelo Farina, Paolo Galaverna, Paolo Martignon, Andrea Rosati,
Lorenzo Conti |
Caratterizzazione dell’uniformità di diffusione
dei pannelli diffondenti |
Congresso AES Italia 2007 - Parma, 23-25 Novembre 2007 |
243 |
Farina, Daniel Commins, Nicola Prodi |
Acoustics 08
Paris, 29 June 2008 - 4 July 2008 |
244 |
Farina, Andrea Capra, Simone Campanini |
La misura della risposta all'impulso per la
caratterizzazione di sistemi acustici e vibrazionali |
"Strumenti e metodi di misura per
l’acustica e le vibrazioni" - Seminario in ricordo di Eugenio Mattei - Ancona, 21 settembre
2008 |
245 |
Marco Binelli, Angelo Farina |
Digital equalization of
automotive sound systems employing spectral smoothed FIR filters |
125 AES
Convention, San Francisco (USA) 2-5 October 2008 |
246 |
Simone Campanini, Angelo Farina |
A new Audacity feature: room
objective acoustical parameters calculation module |
Linux Audio
Conference, Parma (Italy) 16-19 April 2009 |
247 |
Angelo Farina |
Silence Sweep: a novel method for
measuring electro-acoustical devices |
126 AES
Convention, Munich (Germany) 7-10 May 2009 |
248 |
Armelloni, Fons Adriaensen, Angelo Farina |
Passive and active Sonar
applications for a non-uniform and low cost Linear Array |
Acoustics Measurements: Technologies & Results - Nafplion, Greece,
21-26 June 2009 |
249 |
Picciulin, Linda Sebastianutto, Antonio Codarin, Angelo Farina, Enrico
A.Ferrero |
Journal of
Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, Vol. 386 (2010), pp. 125–132,
ISSN 0022-0981 |
250 |
Farina, Adriano Farina, Enrico Armelloni, Linda Sebastianutto, Carlo
Franzosini, Marta Picciulin |
Second International Conference "The Effect of Noise on Aquatic
Life" Cork, Ireland, August 15-20 2010 |
251 |
Tronchin, Andrea Venturi, Valerio Tarabusi, Angelo Farina, Christian Varani |
In situ measurements of
Reflection Index and Sound Insulation Index of noise barriers |
20th International Congress on Acoustics, ICA 2010, 23-27 August 2010, Sydney,
Australia |
252 |
Farina, Andrea Capra, Lorenzo Chiesi, Leonardo Scopece |
40th AES
Conference "Spatial Audio - Sense the Sound of Space", Tokyo,
Japan, 8-10 October 2010 |
253 |
Scopece, Angelo Farina, Andrea Capra |
3D Virtual Microphone System - Sonda Microfonica ad Elevata Direttivita' |
Elettronica e Telecomunicazioni, n.1/2011, pagg. 14-26 - ISSN: 0013-6123 |
254 |
Binelli, Andrea Venturi, Alberto Amendola, Angelo Farina |
130th AES
Conference, London, 13-16 May 2011 |
255 |
Farina, Alberto Amendola, Andrea Capra, Christian Varani |
Spatial analysis of room impulse
responses captured with a 32-capsules microphone array |
130th AES
Conference, London, 13-16 May 2011 |
255b |
Enrico Armelloni, Angelo Farina |
Applicazione di Array Lineari di
Idrofoni a Spaziatura Non Costante (NULA) in Sonar Attivi e Passivi |
Italiana di Acustica, 38° Convegno Nazionale, Rimini, 08-10 giugno 2011 |
256 |
Farina, Enrico Armelloni, Lorenzo Chiesi |
international conference and exhibition on Underwater Acoustic Measurements:
Technologies and Results - Kos (Greece), 20-24 June 2011 |
257 |
Scopece, Angelo Farina, Andrea Capra |
IBC 2011,
Amsterdam, 8-11 September 2011 |
258 |
Angelo Farina, Lamberto Tronchin |
New Measurement Technique For 3d Sound Characterization In Theatres |
Acoustics of Ancient Theatres Conference Patras, Greece, September 18-21,
2011 |
259 |
A. Magrin, R.
Zecchin, A. Di Bella, A. Farina, A. Capra, L. Maffei, G. Iannace, C.
Ianniello, R. Dragonetti, E. Cirillo, F. Martellotta, M. Masoero, A. Astolfi,
R. Pompoli, N. Prodi, V. Tarabusi, L. Tronchin |
Convegno AIA
“Teatri d’opera dell’Unità d’Italia” Teatro La Fenice Venezia, 23 Novembre 2011 |
260 |
A. Farina, A.
Capra, E. Armelloni, C. Varani |
Convegno AIA
“Teatri d’opera dell’Unità d’Italia” Teatro La Fenice Venezia, 23 Novembre 2011 |
261 |
A. Farina, A.
Capra, E. Armelloni, C. Varani, A. Amendola |
Convegno AIA
“Teatri d’opera dell’Unità d’Italia” Teatro La Fenice Venezia, 23 Novembre 2011 |
262 |
A. Farina, A.
Capra, E. Armelloni, C. Varani |
Caratterizzazione Acustica Del Teatro Valli Di Reggio Emilia |
Convegno AIA
“Teatri d’opera dell’Unità d’Italia” Teatro La Fenice Venezia, 23 Novembre 2011 |
263 |
Angelo Farina |
Nuovi Metodi E Strumenti Di Misura Per Lo Studio Dell’acustica Dei Teatri
Storici Italiani |
Convegno AIA
“Teatri d’opera dell’Unità d’Italia” Teatro La Fenice Venezia, 23 Novembre 2011 |
264 |
A. Farina, M.
Binelli, A. Capra, E. Armelloni, S. Campanini, A. Amendola |
Recording, Simulation and Reproduction of Spatial Soundfields by Spatial PCM Sampling (SPS) |
Seminar on Virtual Acoustics, Valencia (Spain), 24-25 November 2011 |
265 |
Farina, Adriano Farina, Enrico Armelloni, Linda Sebastianutto, Carlo
Franzosini, Marta Picciulin |
Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life - Series: Advances in Experimental
Medicine and Biology, Vol. 730, Popper, Arthur N.; Hawkins, Anthony (Eds.) -
Springer 2012 - ISBN 978-1-4419-7310-8 - pp. 485-488 |
266 |
Marina Dana
Ţopa, Norbert Toma, Botond Sandor Kirei, Ioana Sărăcuţ,
Angelo Farina |
Advances in Acoustics and Vibration, Volume 2012 (2012),
Article ID 868247, 14 pages, DOI:10.1155/2012/868247 |
267 |
Angelo Farina, Lamberto Tronchin |
3D Sound
Characterisation in Theatres Employing Microphone Arrays |
Acta Acustica
united with Acustica, vol. 99, n.1, pp. 118-125, ISSN 1610-1928,
January/February 2013 |
268 |
Tronchin, Andrea Venturi, Angelo Farina |
2013 Conference, Meran, Italy, 18-21 March 2013 |
269 |
Andrea Capra,
Angelo Farina, Francesco Grani |
2013 Conference, Meran, Italy, 18-21 March 2013 |
270 |
Farina, Andrea Capra, Alberto Amendola and Simone Campanini |
Recording and playback techniques employed for the Urban Sounds project |
134th AES
Convention, 2013 May 4–7 Rome, Italy |
271 |
Venturi, Angelo Farina and Lamberto Tronchin |
Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, vol. 19, pp. 015006
(June 2013); (9 pages) - ISSN 1939-800X |
272 |
Tronchin, Andrea Venturi, Angelo Farina, Amendola Alberto |
Symposium on Room Acoustics - Toronto, June 9-11, 2013 |
273 |
Angelo Farina, Alberto Amendola, Lorenzo Chiesi, Andrea Capra, Simone
Campanini |
Spatial PCM Sampling: A New Method For Sound Recording And Playback |
AES 52nd International Conference, Guildford, UK, 2013 September 2–4 Permalink: http://www.aes.org/e-lib/browse.cfm?elib=16913 |
274 |
Angelo Farina, Simone Campanini, Lorenzo Chiesi, Alberto Amendola,
Lorenzo Ebri |
AES 55th International Conference, Helsinki, Finland, 2014 August 27–29 |
275 |
Angelo Farina |
Capitolo nel volume ACUSTICA Fondamenti
e applicazioni – UTET Università, Torino, 2015 – ISBN 9788860084460 |
276 |
R. Garziera, A. Farina, S. Carra, L. Chiesi |
by Light, November 18-19, 2015 - Rijswijk, The Netherlands |
277 |
Angelo Farina |
Manchester (UK) 22-23 September 2015 |
278 |
Leonardo Scopece |
Sistema 3DVMS: da dove arriviamo...dove andiamo |
Elettronica e Telecomunicazioni, n.2/2015, pagg. 12-19 - ISSN: 0013-6123 |
279 |
Angelo Farina, Lorenzo Chiesi |
AES Conference, Paris (France) 4-7 June 2016 |
280 |
Angelo Farina, Lorenzo Chiesi |
Measuring Spatial MIMO Impulse Responses in Rooms Employing Spherical Transducer Arrays |
AES Conference on Sound Field
Control, Guildford (UK), 18-20 July 2016 |
281 |
Collini Luca, Farina Angelo, Garziera Rinaldo, Pinardi Daniel, Riabova Kseniia |
Application of laser vibrometer for the study of loudspeaker dynamics |
MATERIALS TODAY: Proceedings of 33rd Danubia-adria Symposium on Advances
in Experimental Mechanics - 20th – 23rd September, 2016 Portorož, Slovenia -
ISSN:2214-7853 |
282 |
Maria Costanza Bellini, Angelo Farina | Loudspeakers performance variance due to components and assembly process |
142th AES Convention,
Paper n. 9714, Berlin, 20-23 May 2017 |
283 |
Tommaso Mattioli, Angelo Farina, Enrico Armelloni, Philippe Hameau, Margarita Díaz-Andreu | Echoing landscapes: Echolocation and the placement of rock art in the Central Mediterranean |
Journal of Archaeological Science, vol. 83 (2017) pp. 12-25 - ISSN: 0305-4403 |
284 |
Bellini Maria Costanza, Collini Luca, Farina Angelo, Pinardi Daniel, Riabova Kseniia | Measurement of loudspeakers with a Doppler laser vibrometer and the exponential sine sweep excitation technique |
JAES Volume 65 Issue 7/8 pp. 600-612; July/August 2017 - ISSN:1549-4950
285 |
Bellini Maria Costanza, Farina Angelo | Loudspeakers performance variance due to components and assembly process – Field assessment |
2017 AES
International Conference on Automotive Audio (August 2017) Permalink: http://www.aes.org/e-lib/browse.cfm?elib=19194 |
286 |
Angelo Farina | Environmental Impact of Underwater Noise: sound pressure and particle velocity | ICONS-2018, Kochi, India, 22-24 February 2018 |
287 |
E. Esposito, A. Farina, P. Massini |
Don't Throw the Loudspeaker Out with the Bathwater! Two Case Studies Regarding End-of-Line Tests in the Automotive Loudspeaker Industry |
144th AES
Convention, 2018 May 23–26, Milan, Italy Permalink: http://www.aes.org/e-lib/browse.cfm?elib=19443 |
288 |
Leo McCormack, Symeon Delikaris-Manias, Angelo Farina, Daniel Pinardi, and Ville Pulkki | Real-Time Conversion of Sensor Array Signals into Spherical Harmonic Signals with Applications to Spatially Localized Sub-Band Sound-Field Analysis |
144th AES
Convention, 2018 May 23–26, Milan, Italy Permalink: http://www.aes.org/e-lib/browse.cfm?elib=19456 |
289 |
Angelo Farina, Daniel Pinardi, Marco Binelli, Michele Ebri and Lorenzo Ebri | Virtual Reality for Subjective Assessment of Sound Quality in Cars |
144th AES Convention, 2018 May 23–26, Milan, Italy Permalink: http://www.aes.org/e-lib/browse.cfm?elib=19399 |
290 |
Maria Costanza Bellini, Angelo Farina | Woofer performance variance due to components and assembly process |
144th AES
Convention, 2018 May 23–26, Milan, Italy Permalink: http://www.aes.org/e-lib/browse.cfm?elib=19558 |
291 |
Gaggero Tomaso, Tani Giorgio, De Angelis Emilio, Firenze Erica, Farina Angelo, Armelloni Enrico | On site propagation loss measurements through non-impulsive signal deconvolution | 25th International Congress on Sound and Vibration 2018, ICSV 2018, Hiroshima, Japan, 8-12 July 2018 |
292 |
Marco Binelli, Daniel Pinardi, Tiziano Nili and Angelo Farina | Individualized HRTF for playing VR videos with Ambisonics spatial audio on HMDs |
AES AVAR 2018 Conference,
August 20-22, Redmond, WA, USA Permalink: http://www.aes.org/e-lib/browse.cfm?elib=19679 |
293 |
Angelo Farina, Kseniia Riabova, Cecilia Bennati | Simulations and design of a refrigerating device based on a rotating magnetocaloric disc |
Thermag VIII – International Conference on Caloric Cooling, Darmstadt, Germany, 16-20 September 2018 - DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18462/iir.thermag.2018.0034 |
294 |
Lamberto Tronchin, Pietro Fiumana, Angelo Farina, Simone Campanini | The new Teatro “Amintore Galli” in Rimini: acoustic design and measurements of diffusing panels |
Auditorium Acoustics 2018 4-6 October 2018 Elbphilharmonie, Hafencity, Hamburg, Germany |
295 |
Angelo Farina, Enrico Armelloni, Daniel Pinardi | The Forgotten Measurement: Sound Pressure and Particle Velocity | Environment Coastal & Offshore Magazine - Special Issue on Ocean Sound - July 2019 - ISSN # 2327-3445 |
296 |
M. Díaz-Andreu, A. Farina, E. Armelloni, L. Coltofean, M. Picas, T. Mattioli | Acoustic effects at prehistoric landscapes: an archaeoacoustics analysis of rock art sites from Western Mediterranean | Proceedings of the 23rd International Congress on Acoustics, pp. 281-287 - 9-13 September 2019, Aachen, Germany. |
297 |
A. Farina, M. Díaz-Andreu, E. Armelloni, M. Picas, L.F. Zubieta, T. Mattioli | Digitalizing the sounds of the past: the soundscapes of World Heritage rock art landscapes from Spain and Mexico | Proceedings of the 23rd International Congress on Acoustics, pp. 4214-4218 - 9-13 September 2019, Aachen, Germany. |
298 |
Leo Mccormack, Symeon Delikaris-Manias, Archontis Politis, Despoina Pavlidi, Angelo Farina, Daniel Pinardi, Ville Pulkki | Applications of Spatially Localized Active-Intensity Vectors for Sound-Field Visualization |
J. Audio Eng. Soc.,
vol. 67, no. 11, pp. 840–854, (2019 November.). DOI: https://doi.org/10.17743/jaes.2019.0041 |
299 |
Angelo Farina | Didattica blended: i problemi acustici e visivi la sconsigliano | ROARS - Returns On Academic Research and School - 30-06-2020 - Article link:https://www.roars.it/online/?p=73923 |
300 |
Brian F.G. Katz, Damian Murphy, Angelo Farina | The Past Has Ears (PHE) : XR Explorations of acoustic spaces as Cultural Heritage | Salento AVR 2020 - 7th International Conference on Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Computer Graphics - Lecce, Italy 7-10 September 2020 - DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-58468-9_7 |
301 |
Michele Ebri, Nicolò Strozzi, Filippo Maria Fazi, Angelo Farina, Luca Cattani | Individual Listening Zone with Frequency-Dependent Trim of Measured Impulse Responses |
149th AES Convention Online, 2020 October 27-30 Permalink: http://www.aes.org/e-lib/browse.cfm?elib=20946 |
302 |
Pinardi, D., Ebri, L., Belicchi, C., Farina, A., Binelli M. | Direction Specific Analysis of Psychoacoustics Parameters inside Car Cockpit: A Novel Tool for NVH and Sound Quality | SAE Technical Paper 2020-01-1547, 2020, DOI: https://doi.org/10.4271/2020-01-1547 |
303 |
Brian F.G. Katz, Damian Murphy, Angelo Farina | Exploring cultural heritage through acoustic digital reconstructions |
Physics Today, 73, 12, 32 (2020); DOI: https://doi.org/10.1063/PT.3.4633 |
304 |
Angelo Farina, Lamberto Tronchin, Antonella Bevilacqua, Enrico Armelloni, Francesca Merli, Marco Dolci | “SIPARIO SOUNDS”: a new omnidirectional loudspeaker for MIMO auralisation |
Forum Acusticum 2020, Lyon (France) 7-11 December 2020;
URL: https://fa2020.universite-lyon.fr/ |
305 |
Andrea Bellotti, Marco Binelli, Giovanni M. Di
Liberto, Luca Ascari, Christopher Raymaekers, Angelo Farina |
Investigation on neural responses related to the localization of natural sounds |
Forum Acusticum 2020, Lyon (France) 7-11 December 2020;
URL: https://fa2020.universite-lyon.fr/ |
306 |
IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 118232-118241, 2021, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3106710 | |
307 |
Low Frequency Simulations for Ambisonics Auralization of a Car Sound System |
International Conference on Immersive and 3D Audio - 8-10 September
2021, Bologna, Italy IEEE Xplore - ISBN:978-1-6654-0999-5 DOI: 10.1109/I3DA48870.2021.9610959 |
308 |
Metrics for Evaluating the Spatial Accuracy of Microphone Arrays |
International Conference on Immersive and 3D Audio - 8-10 September
2021, Bologna, Italy IEEE Xplore - ISBN:978-1-6654-0999-5 DOI: 10.1109/I3DA48870.2021.9610887 |
309 |
International Conference on Immersive and 3D Audio - 8-10 September
2021, Bologna, Italy IEEE Xplore - ISBN:978-1-6654-0999-5 DOI: 10.1109/I3DA48870.2021.9610977 |
310 |
International Conference on Immersive and 3D Audio - 8-10 September
2021, Bologna, Italy IEEE Xplore - ISBN:978-1-6654-0999-5 DOI: 10.1109/I3DA48870.2021.9610947 |
311 |
A. Bevilacqua, F. Merli, Angelo Farina, E. Armelloni, Adriano Farina, L. Tronchin |
3DOF representation of the acoustic measurements inside the Comunale-Pavarotti Theatre of Modena |
International Conference on Immersive and 3D Audio - 8-10 September
2021, Bologna, Italy IEEE Xplore - ISBN:978-1-6654-0999-5 DOI: 10.1109/I3DA48870.2021.9610875 |
312 |
A. Bevilacqua, F. Merli, E. Armelloni, Angelo Farina, Adriano Farina, L.Tronchin |
Acoustic parameters of the Municipal Theatre of Piacenza shown on different ways of representation |
International Conference on Immersive and 3D Audio - 8-10 September
2021, Bologna, Italy IEEE Xplore - ISBN:978-1-6654-0999-5 DOI: 10.1109/I3DA48870.2021.9610919 |
313 |
Digitally acoustic reconstruciton of the Roman theatre of Verona at its orginal shape |
International Conference on Immersive and 3D Audio - 8-10 September
2021, Bologna, Italy IEEE Xplore - ISBN:978-1-6654-0999-5 DOI: 10.1109/I3DA48870.2021.9610965 |
314 |
A. Farina, A. Bevilacqua,
Acoustic measurements of the Roman theatre of Pompei by mapping the sound reflections |
International Conference on Immersive and 3D Audio - 8-10 September
2021, Bologna, Italy IEEE Xplore - ISBN:978-1-6654-0999-5 DOI: 10.1109/I3DA48870.2021.9610922 |
315 |
L. Tronchin, A. Farina, A. Bevilacqua, F. Merli, Pietro Fiumana |
Applied Sciences, 22/11/2021, paper n. 10523. DOI: 10.3390/app112210523 |
316 |
P. La Torraca, L. Ausiello, G. Zucchi, A. Farina, F. Pancaldi |
Identification of Soft Tissue-Mimicking Materials and Application in the Characterization of Sensors for Lung Sounds |
Sensors Journal, 25 November 2021. DOI: 10.1109/JSEN.2021.3130546 |
316b |
Angelo Farina, Antonella Bevilacqua, Adriano Farina |
Acoustic Design Review for the Historical Aula Magna at the University of Parma. Measurement and Simulation Tools to Predict the Amount of Absorption to be in Place |
152th AES Convention 2022 May 7-8, The Hague, Netherlands - Paper
Number:10569 Permalink: https://aes2.org/publications/elibrary-page/?id=21682 |
317 |
Costante Belicchi, Alessandro Opinto, Marco Martalo, Anna Tira, Daniel Pinardi, Angelo Farina, Gianluigi Ferrari |
12th International Styrian Noise, Vibration & Harshness Congress: The
European Automotive Noise Conference - 22-24 June 2022 DOI: 10.4271/2022-01-0967 |
318 |
Anna Tira, Daniel Pinardi, Costante Belicchi, Angelo Farina, Alessio Figuretti, Stefano Izzo |
Analytical and Numerical Models of the Sound Radiated by Fully Clamped Rectangular Vibrating Plates |
12th International Styrian Noise, Vibration & Harshness Congress: The
European Automotive Noise Conference - 22-24 June 2022 DOI: 10.4271/2022-01-0973 |
319 |
Louena Shtrepi, Lorenzo Lavagna, Antonella Bevilacqua, Angelo Farina, Arianna Astolfi |
Challenges in calibration of acoustical models for historic virtual reality auralizations |
Proc. of Symposium "The Acoustics of Ancient Theatres", Verona 6-8 July 2022 |
320 |
Daniel Pinardi, Lorenzo Chiesi, Antonella Bevilacqua, Nicholas Rocchi, Angelo Farina, Marco Binelli, Andrea Toscani, Lamberto Tronchin, Elia Bonomi |
Design of a multichannel audio system based on A2B architecture |
Proc. of Symposium "The Acoustics of Ancient Theatres", Verona 6-8 July 2022 |
321 |
Marco Binelli, Nicholas Rocchi, Antonella Bevilacqua, Angelo Farina, Daniel Pinardi, Andrea Toscani, Lorenzo Chiesi, Lamberto Tronchin, Elia Bonomi |
Application of a Wave Field Synthesis (WFS) Audio System based on A2B protocol: a case study |
Proc. of Symposium "The Acoustics of Ancient Theatres", Verona 6-8 July 2022 |
322 |
Brian F.G. Katz, Damian Murphy, Angelo Farina | Proc. of Symposium "The Acoustics of Ancient Theatres", Verona 6-8 July 2022 | |
323 |
Lorenzo Lavagna, Louena Shtrepi, Angelo Farina, Antonella Bevilacqua, Arianna Astolfi | Proc. of Symposium "The Acoustics of Ancient Theatres", Verona 6-8 July 2022 | |
324 |
Lorenzo Lavagna, Louena Shtrepi, Angelo Farina, Antonella Bevilacqua, Arianna Astolfi |
Acoustic design optimization through the use of auralization: how does it sound like? |
Proc. of Symposium "The Acoustics of Ancient Theatres", Verona 6-8 July 2022 |
325 |
D. Pinardi, N. Rocchi, A. Toscani, M. Binelli, G. Chiorboli, A. Farina, L. Cattani |
326 |
Luca Battisti, Angelo Farina, Antonella Bevilacqua |
Implementation of non-equal partitioned multi-channel convolver |
INTERNOISE 2022 - 21-24 August, Glasgow, UK |
327 |
Leonardo Saccenti, Enrico Armelloni, Adriano Farina, Antonella Bevilacqua, Lorenzo Lavagna |
AES 153rd Conference, New York, 19 October
2022, Express Paper 31. Permalink: http://www.aes.org/e-lib/browse.cfm?elib=21913 |
327b |
Lorenzo LAVAGNA; Louena SHTREPI; Antonella BEVILACQUA; Angelo FARINA; Arianna ASTOLFI | Proceedings of the 24th International Congress on Acoustics - October 24 to 28, 2022, Gyeongju, Korea | |
328 |
Anna Tira, Daniel Pinardi, Angelo Farina, Alessio Figuretti and Davide Palmieri |
Applied Science - 2022, 12, 11210.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/app122111210 |
329 |
Andrea Toscani, Nicholas Rocchi, Daniel Pinardi, Marco Binelli, Leonardo Saccenti, Angelo Farina, Stefano Pavoni; Marcello Vanali |
Low-cost Structural Health Monitoring System for Smart Buildings |
2022 Second International Conference on
Sustainable Mobility Applications, Renewables and Technology (SMART)
- November 23-25, 2022 DOI: 10.1109/SMART55236.2022.9990379 |
330 |
D. Pinardi, A. Toscani, M. Binelli, L. Saccenti, A. Farina, L. Cattani |
Full-Digital Microphone Meta-Arrays for Consumer Electronics |
330b |
Antonella Bevilacqua, Adriano Farina, Leonardo Saccenti, Angelo Farina |
New method for the computation of acoustic parameters according to the updated Italian Legislation |
154th AES Convention 2023 May 13-15, Espoo, Helsinki, Finland -. express
paper #82 Permalink: https://aes2.org/publications/elibrary-page/?id=22107 |
331 |
Daniel Pinardi, Angelo Farina, Marco Binelli, Andrea Toscani | Estimation of Diagonal Volterra Kernels of an Audio System During Normal Operation with Multiple Least Mean Squares Adaptive Filters |
IEEE Xplore - I3DA 2023
- Immersive and 3D audio: from architecture to automotive - Bologna, 5-7
September 2023 DOI: 10.1109/I3DA57090.2023.10289311 |
332 |
Matteo Tomasetti, Angelo Farina, Luca Turchet | Latency of spatial audio plugins: a comparative study |
IEEE Xplore - I3DA 2023
- Immersive and 3D audio: from architecture to automotive - Bologna, 5-7
September 2023 DOI: 10.1109/I3DA57090.2023.10289279 |
333 |
Emanuele Voltolini, Daniel Pinardi, Andrea Toscani, Marco Binelli, Angelo Farina, Jessica Ferrari, Stefano Maglia, Andrea Zenaro, Enrico Calzavacca | Design of an Active Noise Reduction System for a Cogeneration Plant |
IEEE Xplore - I3DA 2023
- Immersive and 3D audio: from architecture to automotive - Bologna, 5-7
September 2023 DOI: 10.1109/I3DA57090.2023.10289192 |
334 |
Leonardo Saccenti, Jessica Ferrari, Daniel Pinardi and Angelo Farina | Noncontact Measurements of Sound Absorption Coefficient with a Pressure-velocity Probe, a Laser Doppler Vibrometer, and a Microphone Array |
IEEE Xplore - I3DA 2023
- Immersive and 3D audio: from architecture to automotive - Bologna, 5-7
September 2023 DOI: 10.1109/I3DA57090.2023.10289528 |
335 |
Daniel Pinardi, Angelo Farina, Marco Binelli | Transducer Distribution on Spherical Arrays for Ambisonics Recording and Playback |
IEEE Xplore -
I3DA 2023 - Immersive and 3D audio: from architecture to automotive -
Bologna, 5-7 September 2023 DOI: 10.1109/I3DA57090.2023.10289552 |
336 |
Enrico Armelloni, Leonardo Saccenti, Antonella Bevilacqua, Lorenzo Lavagna, Louena Shtrepi, Arianna Astolfi, Adriano Farina, Angelo Farina | MIMO Technique applied to the Greek Theatre of Tyndari | 10th Convention of the European Acoustics Association - Turin, Italy • 11th – 15th September 2023 • Politecnico di Torino |
337 |
Angela Guastamacchia, Michele Ebri, Andrea Bottega, Enrico Armelloni, Angelo Farina, Giuseppina Puglisi, Fabrizio Riente, Louena Shtrepi, Marco Carlo Masoero, Arianna Astolfi | Set up and preliminary validation of a small spatial sound reproduction system for clinical purposes | 10th Convention of the European Acoustics Association - Turin, Italy • 11th – 15th September 2023 • Politecnico di Torino |
338 |
Andrea Toscani, Nicholas Rocchi, Daniel Pinardi, Marco Binelli, Leonardo Saccenti, Angelo Farina, Stefano Pavoni; Marcello Vanali |
Low-Cost Condition Monitoring System for Smart Buildings and Industrial Applications |
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications
- Volume 60, Issue 1, 24 October 2023 DOI: 10.1109/TIA.2023.3326784 |
339 |
Simone Fontana, Paolo Martignon, Mario di Cola, Alessandro Arturi, Alberto Bianco, Angelo Farina |
Evaluation of binaural rendering quality for professional audio |
155th AES Convention, Paper 156, 2023 October 25-27, New York, USA Permalink: https://www.aes.org/e-lib/browse.cfm?elib=22310 |
340 |
Olga Jordi, Angelo Farina, Santi Mañosa |
Sound amplitude (dB) of male Western Capercaillie Tetrao urogallus calls |
Revista Catalana d’Ornitologia
39:60-64, 2023 ISSN 1697-4697 DOI: 10.62102/2340-3764.2023.1.8 |
341 |
Piero Sabella, Angelo Farina, Andrea Leporati |
Applied Acoustics, Volume 218, 2024 ISSN 0003-682X DOI: 10.1016/j.apacoust.2024.109889 |
342 |
Emanuele Voltolini, Daniel Pinardi, Andrea Toscani, Marco Binelli, Angelo Farina, Jessica Ferrari, Andrea Zenaro, Stefano Maglia, Enrico Calzavacca |
Implementation of an Active Vibration Control System on a Cogeneration Plant |
IEEE Access, Vol. 12, 2024, Pages: 113361 - 113371
- 14-08-2024 ISSN: 2169-3536 DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3443739 |
343 |
Olga Jordi, Xavier Puig, Angelo Farina, Santi Mañosa |
Bird Study, January 2025, pp.1–11. DOI: 10.1080/00063657.2024.2442777 |
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