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1 |
Non-linear digital audio processor
for dedicated loudspeaker systems |
Conference on Consumer Electronics, Los Angeles, June 1998 |
111 |
2 |
Inverse numerical filters for
linearisation of loudspeaker’s response |
Conference, November 19-21, 1998 Barcelona,
Spain |
121 |
3 |
Binaural hearing and its
numerical representation with an Eulerian approach |
International Congress On Sound And Vibration ICSV7 -
Garmisch-Partenkirchen GERMANY July 4-7, 2000 |
143 |
4 |
The natural trumpet and its
virtual sound |
International Congress On Sound And Vibration ICSV7 -
Garmisch-Partenkirchen GERMANY July 4-7, 2000 |
144 |
5 |
Implementation of cross-talk
canceling filters with warped structures - Subjective evaluation of the
loudspeaker reproduction of stereo recordings |
of SHARC2000, Boston, 11-13
September 2000 |
146 |
6 |
Non-Linear Convolution:
A New Approach For The Auralization Of Distorting Systems |
Proceedings of the 110th
AES Convention, 2001 May 12-15 Amsterdam, The Netherlands |
154 |
7 |
Ambiophonic Principles for the
Recording and Reproduction of Surround Sound for Music |
19th AES Conference
on Surround Sound, Techniques, Technology and Perception - Schloss
Elmau, Germany, 21-24 June 2001. |
155 |
8 |
Computer simulation of
Binaural, Stereo-Dipole, B-format and Ambiophonics impulse responses |
ICA-2001, Rome, September 2-7, 2001 |
158 |
9 |
Effects of the background noise on
the perceived quality of car audio systems |
112th AES
Convention, Munich, 10-13 May 2002 |
166 |
10 |
Different approaches for the
equalization of automotive sound systems |
112th AES
Convention, Munich, 10-13 May 2002 |
167 |
11 |
Acoustics of Teatro
degli Arcimboldi in Milano: design, computer and scale models, details,
results |
IOA Conference
AUDITORIUM ACOUSTICS 2002, Imperial College (London), 19-21 July 2002 |
12 |
Filtraggio FIR dalla teoria alla
pratica |
SHARC 21161N
Hands-on course – 25/02/2002 Parma |
13 |
Contrasting Log Sine Sweep
method and MLS for room acoustics measurements |
Workshop on Acoustic Measurements in Auditoria and Listening Rooms -
Guildford (GB), 22 July 2002 |
14 |
Measurement of the speech
intelligibility inside cars
113th AES Convention, Los Angeles, 5-8 October 2002 |
15 |
Simulazione acustica
virtuale ed auralizzazione di un teatro scomparso: La Fenice di Venezia |
Virtuality 2002,
Centro Congressi Torino Incontra, 28-29 ottobre 2002 |
16 |
Comparative Study of
Speech Intelligibility Inside Cars |
Euronoise 2003
Conference, Naples, 19-21 May 2003 |
180 |
17 |
Headphone Noise: Occupational
Noise Exposure Assessment for Communication Personnel |
Euronoise 2003
Conference, Naples, 19-21 May 2003 |
181 |
18 |
Noise and vibration control in
multiplex cinemas |
Euronoise 2003
Conference, Naples, 19-21 May 2003 |
183 |
19 |
Registrazione della
risposta acustica delle sale da concerto per i posteri |
Seminario AES-Italia
"Workshop sulle tecniche di ripresa stereofoniche multicanale per le
orchestre sinfoniche" - Adria, 16 maggio 2003 |
179 |
20 |
Recording concert hall
acoustics for posterity |
24th AES Conference
on Multichannel Audio, Banff, Canada, 26-28 June 2003 |
185 |
21 |
Implementation of Real-Time Partitioned
Convolution on a DSP Board |
2003 IEEE Workshop on
Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics - October
19-22, 2003, New Paltz, NY |
188 |
22 |
Advanced Techniques For Measuring And Reproducing Spatial Sound Properties
Of Auditoria |
RADS 2004, Hyogo (Japan)
11-13 April 2004 |
190 |
23 |
Measurement and 5.0
rendering of spatial impulse responses of rooms |
116th AES Convention, Berlin,
Germany, 8-11 May 2004 |
24 |
Fotografia acustica delle sale
da concerto |
Concerto "Acustica", Fondazione Toscanini, Teatro Farnese di Parma, 14
Maggio 2004 |
25 |
Listening Tests Performed Inside a
Virtual Room Acoustic Simulator |
I seminario Música
Ciênca e Tecnologia "Acústica
Musical", São
Paolo do Brasil, 3-5 November 2004 |
198 |
26 |
La modellistica
previsionale applicata al risanamento ed alla prevenzione: teoria ed esempi |
Seminario "Il
rumore prodotto dalle infrastrutture di trasporto", Parma, 19-20
novembre 2004 |
199 |
27 |
Riverbero digitale mediante
convoluzione di teatri famosi |
Seminario RAI "Qualità tecnica della musica trasmessa e riprodotta"
Ravello, 25 giugno 2005 |
28 |
Not-Impulsive Techniques
for Sonar Imaging |
International Conference “Underwater
Acoustic Measurements: Technologies &Results” Heraklion, Crete,
Greece, 28th June – 1st July 2005 |
207 |
29 |
Room Acoustics
Measurements And Auralization |
IACMA International Advanced Course on
Musical Acoustics Bologna, 18-22 July, 2005 |
30 |
Emulation of
Not-Linear, Time-Variant devices by the convolution technique |
Congresso AES Italia 2005, Como, 3-5 November 2005 |
211 |
31 |
Taratura e verifica degli
errori sistematici e casuali del programma di mappatura acustica Citymap |
Seminario NAFEMS 2005 MODELLI per il NOISE MAPPING - Firenze, 24 novembre
2005 |
32 |
Advanced beamforming techniques
with microphone arrays |
Journées d'études sur la
spatialisation - Paris, 24-25 January 2006 |
33 |
Array di microfoni per
registrazioni musicali in formato 5.1 Surround ed Ambisonics |
SIB 2006, Rimini, 11-14
marzo 2006 |
34 |
Suite integrata di gestione
di modelli di calcolo per l’impatto ambientale di rumore, atmosfera e campi
elettromagnetici |
6° Congresso
nazionale CIRIAF, Perugia, 7-8 Aprile 2006 |
213 |
35 |
dell’inquinamento acustico presso le scuole del Comune di Parma e
definizioni delle priorità degli interventi di bonifica |
6° Congresso
nazionale CIRIAF, Perugia, 7-8 Aprile 2006 |
214 |
36 |
Software previsionale
acustico per esterni: Un nuovo approccio multialgoritmo e multipiattaforma |
6° Congresso
nazionale CIRIAF, Perugia, 7-8 Aprile 2006 |
215 |
37 |
Room Impulse Responses as Temporal and Spatial
Filters |
WESPAC IX 2006, Seoul (Korea), June
26-28, 2006 |
218 |
38 |
History of Room Impulse Response
Measurements |
121th AES Convention,
S.Francisco, 5-8 October 2006 (Workshop) |
39 |
Measuring impulse responses
containing complete spatial information |
4th Joint Meeting of
the Acoustical Society of America and the Acoustical Society of
Japan - Honolulu, Hawaii, 28 November-2 December 2006 |
224 |
40 |
Advancements in impulse response
measurements by sine sweeps |
122th AES Convention, Vienna,
Austria, 5-8 May 2007 |
226 |
41 |
Casa del Suono: il nuovo
museo e laboratorio del suono riprodotto a Parma |
Seminario RAI "Innovazione
Tecnologica per la Musica Trasmessa e Riprodotta" Ravello, 16-17
Giugno 2007 |
42 |
Three-Dimensional Acoustic
Displays In A Museum Employing WFS (Wave Field Synthesis) And HOA (High
Order Ambisonics) |
14th International Congress on Sound and
Vibration - Cairns (Australia) 9-12 July 2007 |
232 |
43 |
A digitally controlled two dimensional loudspeaker array |
32nd International AES Conference,
September 21st-23rd, 2007. Hillerød, Denmark |
237 |
44 |
Response Measurements |
23rd Nordic Sound Symposium,
Bolkesjø (Norway) 27 – 30 September 2007 |
238 |
45 |
Real-Time Auralization Employing a Not-Linear,
Not-Time-Invariant Convolver |
123th AES Convention - New
York (USA), 5-8 October 2007 |
241 |
46 |
A study of hearing damage caused by personal MP3
players |
123th AES Convention - New
York (USA), 5-8 October 2007 |
241b |
47 |
Caratterizzazione dell’uniformità di
diffusione dei pannelli diffondenti |
Congresso AES
Italia 2007 - Parma, 23-25 Novembre 2007 |
242 |
48 |
Auditorium Paganini e
Teatro Regio - caratterizzazione acustica |
Congresso AES
Italia 2007 - Parma, 23-25 Novembre 2007 |
49 |
Registrazione in surround:
microfoni reali e virtuali |
Seminario RAI "IL
NUOVO NELLA MUSICA: qualità tecnica e piattaforme innovative",
Ravello, 21-23 giugno 2008 |
50 |
analysis of the acoustical behaviour of Musikverein in concert and ballet
configurations |
Acoustics 08 Paris, 29
June 2008 - 4 July 2008 |
243 |
51 |
Impulse Response
measurements by Exponential Sine Sweeps |
Audio Precision Workshop, Casa della Musica, Parma, 18 September 2008 |
52 |
La misura della risposta
all'impulso per la caratterizzazione di sistemi acustici e vibrazionali |
e metodi di misura per l’acustica e le vibrazioni" - Seminario in
ricordo di Eugenio Mattei - Ancona, 21 settembre 2008 |
244 |
53 |
Digital equalization of automotive sound
systems employing spectral smoothed FIR filters |
125 AES Convention, San
Francisco (USA) 2-5 October 2008 |
245 |
54 |
A new Audacity feature: room objective acoustical parameters calculation
module - POSTER |
Linux Audio Conference,
Parma (Italy) 16-19 April 2009 |
246 |
55 |
Silence Sweep: a
novel method for measuring electro-acoustical devices |
126 AES Convention, Munich
(Germany) 7-10 May 2009 |
247 |
56 |
Passive and Active Sonar
Applications for a Non-Uniform and Low Cost Linear Array |
Underwater Acoustics Measurements: Technologies & Results - Nafplion,
Greece, 21-26 June 2009 |
248 |
57 |
Controllo del rumore
delle linee di packaging mediante interventi sull’acustica ambientale |
MECforPACK - Controllo delle vibrazioni e del rumore nelle macchine
automatiche Bologna, 12 novembre 2009 |
58 |
First description of the sound pressure and
particle velocity components of the ambient noise and boat noise
recorded at the WWF - Miramare Natural Marine Reserve (Trieste, Italy) -
Second International Conference "The
Effect of Noise on Aquatic Life" Cork, Ireland, August 15-20 2010 |
250 |
59 |
Recenti sviluppi
scientifici in materia di acustica edilizia ed ambientale |
Convegno "Acustica: Requisiti degli edifici, le nuove normative, la
Classificazione Acustica degli edifici", Parma, 17 settembre 2010 |
60 |
History and current state
of the war between the two main approaches to surround sound: discrete
speaker feeds versus hierarchical matrix |
40th AES Conference "Spatial
Audio - Sense the Sound of Space", Tokyo, Japan, 8-10 October 2010 |
61 |
A Spherical Microphone Array
For Synthesizing Virtual Directive Microphones In Live Broadcasting And In
Post Production |
40th AES Conference "Spatial
Audio - Sense the Sound of Space", Tokyo, Japan, 8-10 October 2010 |
251 |
62 |
Experimental analysis of spatial properties of
the sound field inside a car employing a spherical microphone array |
130th AES Conference,
London, 13-16 May 2011 |
254 |
63 |
Spatial analysis of room impulse responses
captured with a 32-capsules microphone array |
130th AES Conference,
London, 13-16 May 2011 |
255 |
64 |
Experimental Evaluation Of The
Performances Of A New Pressure-Velocity 3D Probe Based On The Ambisonics
Theory |
international conference and exhibition on Underwater Acoustic
Measurements: Technologies and Results -
Kos (Greece), 20-24 June 2011 |
256 |
65 |
360 Degrees Video And Audio Recording
And Broadcasting Employing A Parabolic Mirror Camera And A Spherical
32-Capsules Microphone Array |
IBC 2011, Amsterdam,
8-11 September 2011 |
257 |
66 |
New Measurement Technique For 3d Sound
Characterization In Theatres |
The Acoustics of
Ancient Theatres Conference -
Patras, Greece, September 18-21, 2011 |
258 |