N. |
Author(s) |
Title |
Publisher |
109 |
Angelo Farina |
Implementation of B-Format Encoding and Decoding |
Pre-prints of the 104th AES Convention,
Amsterdam, 1998 May 16-19 |
113 |
Angelo Farina, Lamberto Tronchin |
Impulse Response measurements on S.Maria del Fiore
Church, Florence, Italy |
Proc. of ICA98 - International Conference on
Acoustics, Seattle (WA), 26-30 June 1998 |
119 |
A. Farina, P. Galaverna, M. Giabbani |
processo di auralizzazione: metodologia ed
esemplificazione |
del Convegno "L'acustica dei teatri storici: un bene
culturale" - Ferrara, 4 novembre 1998 |
126 |
A. Farina, E. Ugolotti |
comparison between Stereo Dipole and 3D Ambisonics
surround systems for automotive applications |
16th AES Conference, Rovaniemi
(Finland), 10-12 April 1999 |
155 |
A. Farina, R. Glasgal, E. Armelloni, A. Torger |
Ambiophonic Principles for
the Recording and Reproduction of Surround Sound for Music |
AES Conference on Surround Sound, Techniques, Technology and Perception -
Schloss Elmau, Germany, 21-24 June 2001. |
158 |
A. Farina, L.Tronchin |
simulation of Binaural, Stereo-Dipole, B-format and Ambiophonics impulse
responses |
Invited Paper in the Structured Session on “Binaural
Hearing and Spatialisation”, ICA-2001, Rome, September 2-7, 2001. |
164 |
A. Torger, A. Farina |
Real-time partitioned convolution for
Ambiophonics surround sound |
IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics -
Mohonk Mountain House New Paltz, New York October 21-24, 2001. |
169 |
D Commins, R Pompoli, A Farina, P Fausti, N Prodi |
Acoustics of Teatro degli
Arcimboldi in Milano: design, computer and scale models, details, results
IOA Conference AUDITORIUM ACOUSTICS 2002, Imperial College (London), 19-21
July 2002 |
170 |
A. Cocchi, L. Tronchin, A. Farina, M. Cesare |
A comparison between some
measurement techniques in the Foligno Auditorium |
IOA Conference AUDITORIUM ACOUSTICS 2002, Imperial College (London), 19-21
July 2002 |
179 |
A. Farina, A. Avanzini |
Registrazione della risposta acustica delle
sale da concerto per i posteri |
Seminario AES-Italia "Workshop
sulle tecniche di ripresa stereofoniche multicanale per le orchestre
sinfoniche" - Adria, 16 maggio 2003 |
185 |
A. Farina, R. Ayalon |
Recording concert hall acoustics for posterity |
24th AES Conference on
Multichannel Audio, Banff, Canada, 26-28 June 2003 |
190 |
A. Farina, L. Tronchin |
Advanced Techniques For Measuring And Reproducing Spatial Sound Properties
Of Auditoria |
RADS 2004, Hyogo (Japan)
11-13 April 2004 |
191 |
A. Farina, L. Tronchin, V. Tarabusi |
Comparison between Opera houses: Italian and Japanese cases |
RADS 2004, Hyogo (Japan)
11-13 April 2004 |
194 |
A. Farina, E. Armelloni, P. Martignon |
An experimental comparative study of 20 Italian opera houses: measurement
techniques |
147th Meeting of
the Acoustical Society of America, New York (USA), 24-28 May 2004 |
200 |
A. Farina, L.Tronchin |
Cap. 19 - Misure acustiche nei teatri e nelle
sale |
nel volume "Acustica
Musicale ed Architettonica", UTET Libreria, Torino 2004, ISBN
88-7750 -941-4 |
202 |
A. Farina, L. Tronchin |
Measurement And Reproducing of Spatial Sound
Of Auditoria |
Science and Technology, vol. 26, n.2, March 2005, ISSN 1346-3969 |
204 |
E. Armelloni, A. Farina, P. Martignon |
Comparison between Different Surround
Reproduction Systems: ITU 5.1 vs PanAmbio 4.1 |
118th AES Convention,
Barcelona, 28-31 May 2005, pre-print n. 6444 |
218 |
A. Farina |
Room Impulse Responses as Temporal and Spatial
Filters |
WESPAC IX 2006, Seoul (Korea), June
26-28, 2006 |
219 |
P. Bonfiglio, N. Prodi. P. Fausti, A. Farina |
On the use of A P-U Sound Intensity Probe for the
Qualification of Complex Surface Properties |
ICSV13, Vienna, Austria, July
2-6, 2006 |
224 |
A. Farina, P. Martignon, A. Capra, S. Fontana |
Measuring impulse responses containing complete
spatial information |
4th Joint Meeting of
the Acoustical Society of America and the Acoustical Society of
Japan - Honolulu, Hawaii, 28 November-2 December 2006 |
225 |
A. Farina, P. Martignon, A. Capra, S. Fontana |
Measuring impulse responses containing complete
spatial information |
22nd AES-UK Conference 2007, Cambridge, UK, 11-12 April 2007 |
226 |
A. Farina |
Advancements in impulse response measurements by
sine sweeps |
122th AES Convention, Vienna,
Austria, 5-8 May 2007 |
229 |
A. Cammi, P. Martignon, A. Capra, A. Farina |
Allestimento di una sala d’ascolto di piccole
dimensioni |
34° Convegno Nazionale AIA - Firenze, 13-15 Giugno 2007 |
232 |
A. Farina, A. Capra, P. Martignon, S. Fontana, F. Adriaensen, P.
Galaverna, D. Malham |
Three-Dimensional Acoustic Displays In A Museum
Employing WFS (Wave Field Synthesis) And HOA (High Order Ambisonics) |
14th International Congress on Sound and
Vibration - Cairns (Australia) 9-12 July 2007 |
234 |
A.Farina; A.Capra; L.Conti; P.Martignon; F.Fazi |
Measuring spatial impulse responses in concert
halls and opera houses employing a spherical microphone array |
19th International Congress on
Acoustics (ICA) - Madrid (Spain), 2-7 September 2007 |
237 |
P.Martignon, F.Adriaensen, D.Torelli, A.Farina |
A Digitally Controlled Two Dimensional Loudspeaker
Array |
AES 32nd International Conference,
Hillerød, Denmark, 2007 September 21–23 |
238 |
A. Farina |
Impulse Response Measurements |
23rd Nordic Sound Symposium,
Bolkesjø (Norway) 27 – 30 September 2007 |
239 |
A. Capra, S. Fontana, F. Adriaensen, A. Farina, Y. Grenier |
Listening Tests of the Localization Performance
of Stereodipole and Ambisonic Systems |
123th AES Convention - New
York (USA), 5-8 October 2007 |
243 |
Angelo Farina, Daniel Commins, Nicola Prodi |
Experimental analysis of the acoustical
behaviour of Musikverein in concert and ballet configurations |
Acoustics 08 Paris, 29
June 2008 - 4 July 2008 |
250 |
Angelo Farina, Adriano Farina, Enrico Armelloni, Linda Sebastianutto,
Carlo Franzosini, Marta Picciulin |
First description of the sound pressure and
particle velocity components of the ambient noise and boat noise
recorded at the WWF- Miramare Natural Marine Reserve (Trieste, Italy)
Second International Conference "The
Effect of Noise on Aquatic Life" Cork, Ireland, August 15-20 2010 |
252 |
Angelo Farina, Andrea Capra, Lorenzo Chiesi, Leonardo Scopece |
A Spherical Microphone Array For Synthesizing
Virtual Directive Microphones In Live Broadcasting And In Post
Production |
40th AES Conference "Spatial
Audio - Sense the Sound of Space", Tokyo, Japan, 8-10 October 2010 |
253 |
Leonardo Scopece, Angelo Farina, Andrea Capra |
3D Virtual Microphone System -
Sonda Microfonica ad Elevata Direttivita' |
Elettronica e
Telecomunicazioni, n.1, Aprile 2011, pagg. 14-26 - ISSN: 0013-6123 |
254 |
Marco Binelli, Andrea Venturi, Alberto Amendola, Angelo Farina |
Experimental analysis of spatial properties of
the sound field inside a car employing a spherical microphone array |
130th AES Conference, London,
13-16 May 2011 |
255 |
Angelo Farina, Alberto Amendola, Andrea Capra, Christian Varani |
Spatial analysis of room impulse responses
captured with a 32-capsules microphone array |
130th AES Conference, London,
13-16 May 2011 |
256 |
Angelo Farina, Enrico Armelloni, Lorenzo Chiesi |
Experimental Evaluation Of The Performances
Of A New Pressure-Velocity 3D Probe Based On The Ambisonics Theory |
international conference and exhibition on Underwater Acoustic
Measurements: Technologies and Results - Kos (Greece), 20-24 June
2011 |
257 |
Leonardo Scopece, Angelo Farina, Andrea Capra |
Degrees Video And Audio Recording And Broadcasting Employing A Parabolic
Mirror Camera And A Spherical 32-Capsules Microphone Array |
IBC 2011,
Amsterdam, 8-11 September 2011 |
258 |
Angelo Farina, Lamberto Tronchin |
New Measurement Technique For 3d Sound Characterization In Theatres |
The Acoustics of Ancient Theatres Conference Patras, Greece,
September 18-21, 2011 |
263 |
Angelo Farina |
Nuovi Metodi E Strumenti Di
Misura Per Lo Studio Dell’acustica Dei Teatri Storici Italiani |
Convegno AIA “Teatri
d’opera dell’Unità d’Italia” Teatro La Fenice Venezia, 23 Novembre
2011 |
264 |
A. Farina, M. Binelli, A. Capra, E. Armelloni, S.
Campanini, A. Amendola |
Recording, Simulation and
Reproduction of Spatial Soundfields by Spatial PCM Sampling (SPS) |
International Seminar on Virtual Acoustics, Valencia
(Spain). 24-25 November 2011 |
267 |
Angelo Farina, Lamberto Tronchin |
3D Sound Characterisation in Theatres Employing Microphone Arrays
Acustica united with Acustica, vol. 99, n.1, pp. 118-125, ISSN 1610-1928, January/February 2013 |
268 |
Lamberto Tronchin, Andrea Venturi, Angelo Farina |
Subjective evaluations in virtual environments
2013 Conference, Meran, Italy, 18-21 March 2013 |
269 |
Andrea Capra, Angelo Farina, Francesco Grani |
“Urban Sounds”: an acoustical tour of Parma
2013 Conference, Meran, Italy, 18-21 March 2013 |
270 |
Angelo Farina, Andrea Capra, Alberto Amendola and
Simone Campanini |
Recording and playback techniques employed for
the Urban Sounds project
134th AES
Convention, 2013 May 4–7 Rome, Italy |
271 |
Andrea Venturi, Angelo Farina and Lamberto Tronchin |
On the effects of pre-processing of impulse
responses in the evaluation of acoustic parameters on room acoustics
Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, vol. 19, pp.
015006 (June 2013); (9 pages) - ISSN 1939-800X
DOI:10.1121/1.4800277 |
272 |
Lamberto Tronchin, Andrea Venturi, Angelo Farina,
Amendola Alberto |
Implementing a spherical microphone array to
determine 3D sound propagation in the 'Teatro 1763' in Bologna, Italy
Symposium on Room Acoustics - Toronto, June 9-11, 2013 |
273 |
Angelo Farina, Alberto Amendola,
Lorenzo Chiesi, Andrea Capra, Simone Campanini |
Spatial Pcm Sampling: A New Method For
Sound Recording And Playback
52nd International Conference, Guildford, UK, 2013 September 2–4 |
Angelo Farina, Simone Campanini, Lorenzo Chiesi, Alberto Amendola,
Lorenzo Ebri |
Sound Recording With Dense Microphone Arrays |
AES 55th
International Conference, Helsinki, Finland, 2014 August 27–29
Angelo Farina
From High Order Ambisonics to Spatial PCM Sampling
– application to auralization of measurements and computer simulations |
EPSRC funded
workshop on numerical acoustic simulation and auralisation as built
environment design consultation tools
Manchester (UK) 22-23 September 2015
Leonardo Scopece,
Angelo Farina |
Sistema 3DVMS: da dove arriviamo...dove andiamo |
Elettronica e Telecomunicazioni, n.2/2015, pagg. 12-19 - ISSN: 0013-6123
Angelo Farina, Lorenzo Chiesi |
novel 32-speakers spherical source |
AES Conference, Paris (France) 4-7 June 2016
Angelo Farina, Lorenzo Chiesi |
Spatial MIMO Impulse Responses in Rooms Employing Spherical Transducer Arrays |
AES Conference on Sound Field
Control, Guildford (UK), 18-20 July 2016
Tommaso Mattioli, Angelo Farina, Enrico Armelloni
, Philippe Hameau, Margarita Díaz-Andreu |
Echoing landscapes:
Echolocation and the placement of rock art in the Central Mediterranean |
Journal of Archaeological Science, vol. 83 (2017) pp. 12-25 - ISSN:
Angelo Farina |
Environmental Impact
of Underwater Noise: sound pressure and particle velocity |
Kochi, India, 22-24 February 2018
Leo McCormack, Symeon Delikaris-Manias, Angelo
Farina, Daniel Pinardi, and Ville Pulkki |
Real-Time Conversion of
Sensor Array Signals into Spherical Harmonic Signals with Applications to
Spatially Localized Sub-Band Sound-Field Analysis |
144th AES
Convention, 2018 May 23–26, Milan, Italy
http://www.aes.org/e-lib/browse.cfm?elib=19456 |
Marco Binelli, Daniel Pinardi, Tiziano Nili and
Angelo Farina |
HRTF for playing VR videos with Ambisonics spatial audio on HMDs |
AES AVAR 2018 Conference,
August 20-22, Redmond, WA, USA |
Angelo Farina, Enrico Armelloni, Daniel Pinardi |
The Forgotten
Measurement: Sound Pressure and Particle Velocity |
Environment Coastal & Offshore Magazine - Special Issue on Ocean Sound -
July 2019 - ISSN # 2327-3445 |
M. Díaz-Andreu, A. Farina, E. Armelloni, L.
Coltofean, M. Picas, T. Mattioli |
Acoustic effects at
prehistoric landscapes: an archaeoacoustics analysis of rock art sites from
Western Mediterranean |
Proceedings of
the 23rd International Congress on Acoustics, pp. 281-287 - 9-13
September 2019, Aachen, Germany. |
A. Farina, M. Díaz-Andreu, E. Armelloni, M. Picas,
L.F. Zubieta, T. Mattioli |
Digitalizing the sounds of the past:
the soundscapes of World Heritage rock art landscapes from Spain and Mexico
Proceedings of
the 23rd International Congress on Acoustics, pp. 4214-4218 - 9-13
September 2019, Aachen, Germany. |
Leo Mccormack, Symeon Delikaris-Manias, Archontis
Politis, Despoina Pavlidi, Angelo Farina, Daniel Pinardi, Ville Pulkki |
Applications of Spatially Localized Active-Intensity Vectors for Sound-Field
Visualization |
J. Audio Eng. Soc.,
vol. 67, no. 11, pp. 840–854, (2019 November.).
https://doi.org/10.17743/jaes.2019.0041 |
Brian F.G. Katz, Damian Murphy, Angelo Farina |
Past Has Ears (PHE) : XR Explorations of acoustic spaces as Cultural
Heritage |
Salento AVR 2020
- 7th International Conference on Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and
Computer Graphics - Lecce, Italy 7-10 September 2020 - DOI:
https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-58468-9_7 |
Michele Ebri, Nicolò Strozzi, Filippo Maria Fazi,
Angelo Farina, Luca Cattani |
Individual Listening Zone with Frequency-Dependent Trim of Measured Impulse
Responses |
149th AES Convention Online, 2020 October 27-30
http://www.aes.org/e-lib/browse.cfm?elib=20946 |
302 |
Pinardi, D., Ebri, L., Belicchi, C., Farina, A.,
Binelli M. |
Direction Specific
Analysis of Psychoacoustics Parameters inside Car Cockpit: A Novel Tool for
NVH and Sound Quality |
SAE Technical Paper 2020-01-1547, 2020, DOI: https://doi.org/10.4271/2020-01-1547 |
Brian F.G. Katz, Damian Murphy, Angelo Farina |
Exploring cultural heritage through acoustic digital reconstructions |
Physics Today, 73, 12, 32 (2020); DOI:
https://doi.org/10.1063/PT.3.4633 |
Angelo Farina, Lamberto Tronchin, Antonella
Bevilacqua, Enrico Armelloni, Francesca Merli, Marco Dolci |
“SIPARIO SOUNDS”: a new omnidirectional loudspeaker for MIMO auralisation |
Forum Acusticum 2020, Lyon (France) 7-11 December 2020;
https://fa2020.universite-lyon.fr/ |
Pinardi; A.
Farina; J.S. Park |
Low Frequency Simulations for Ambisonics Auralization of a Car Sound System |
International Conference on Immersive and 3D Audio - 8-10 September
2021, Bologna, Italy |
Pinardi; A.
Farina; |
Metrics for Evaluating the Spatial Accuracy of Microphone Arrays |
International Conference on Immersive and 3D Audio - 8-10 September
2021, Bologna, Italy |
Pinardi; K.
Riabova; M. Binell; A.
Farina; J.S. Park |
Geometrical Acoustics Simulations for
Ambisonics Auralization of a Car Sound System at High Frequency |
International Conference on Immersive and 3D Audio - 8-10 September
2021, Bologna, Italy |
A. Bevilacqua, F. Merli, Angelo Farina, E.
Armelloni, Adriano Farina, L. Tronchin |
3DOF representation of the acoustic measurements inside the
Comunale-Pavarotti Theatre of Modena |
International Conference on Immersive and 3D Audio - 8-10 September
2021, Bologna, Italy
IEEE Xplore - ISBN:978-1-6654-0999-5
10.1109/I3DA48870.2021.9610875 |
A. Bevilacqua, F. Merli, E. Armelloni, Angelo
Farina, Adriano Farina, L.Tronchin |
Acoustic parameters of the Municipal Theatre of Piacenza shown on different
ways of representation |
International Conference on Immersive and 3D Audio - 8-10 September
2021, Bologna, Italy
IEEE Xplore - ISBN:978-1-6654-0999-5
10.1109/I3DA48870.2021.9610919 |
A. Farina, A.
Bevilacqua, L. Tronchin, N. Dal Ronco |
Digitally acoustic reconstruciton of the Roman theatre of Verona at its
orginal shape |
International Conference on Immersive and 3D Audio - 8-10 September
2021, Bologna, Italy
IEEE Xplore - ISBN:978-1-6654-0999-5
10.1109/I3DA48870.2021.9610965 |
A. Farina, A. Bevilacqua,
L. Tronchin, N.
Dal Ronco |
Acoustic measurements of the Roman theatre of Pompei by mapping the sound
reflections |
International Conference on Immersive and 3D Audio - 8-10 September
2021, Bologna, Italy
IEEE Xplore - ISBN:978-1-6654-0999-5
10.1109/I3DA48870.2021.9610922 |
Louena Shtrepi, Lorenzo Lavagna, Antonella
Bevilacqua, Angelo Farina, Arianna Astolfi |
Challenges in calibration of acoustical
models for historic virtual reality auralizations |
Proc. of Symposium "The
Acoustics of Ancient Theatres", Verona 6-8 July 2022 |
Brian F.G. Katz, Damian Murphy, Angelo Farina |
PHE : The Past Has Ears project overview |
Proc. of Symposium "The
Acoustics of Ancient Theatres", Verona 6-8 July 2022 |
Lorenzo Lavagna, Louena Shtrepi, Angelo Farina,
Antonella Bevilacqua, Arianna Astolfi |
Virtual reality inside the Greek-Roman theatre of Tyndaris: comparison
between existing conditions and original architectural features |
Proc. of Symposium "The
Acoustics of Ancient Theatres", Verona 6-8 July 2022 |
Lorenzo Lavagna, Louena Shtrepi, Angelo Farina,
Antonella Bevilacqua, Arianna Astolfi |
Acoustic design optimization through the use of auralization: how does it
sound like? |
Proc. of Symposium "The
Acoustics of Ancient Theatres", Verona 6-8 July 2022 |
Lorenzo LAVAGNA; Louena SHTREPI; Antonella
Immersive audio inside the Greek-Roman theatre of Tyndaris: comparison
between past, current and future conditions |
Proceedings of the
24th International Congress on Acoustics - October 24 to 28, 2022,
Gyeongju, Korea |
D. Pinardi, A. Toscani, M. Binelli, L. Saccenti,
A. Farina, L. Cattani |
Full-Digital Microphone Meta-Arrays for Consumer Electronics |
0.1109/TCE.2023.3267836 |
Leonardo Saccenti, Jessica Ferrari, Daniel Pinardi
and Angelo Farina |
Measurements of Sound Absorption Coefficient with a Pressure-velocity Probe,
a Laser Doppler Vibrometer, and a Microphone Array |
IEEE Xplore -
I3DA 2023
- Immersive and 3D audio: from architecture to automotive - Bologna, 5-7
September 2023
DOI: 10.1109/I3DA57090.2023.10289528 |
Daniel Pinardi, Angelo Farina, Marco Binelli
Transducer Distribution on Spherical Arrays for Ambisonics Recording and
Playback |
IEEE Xplore -
I3DA 2023 - Immersive and 3D audio: from architecture to automotive -
Bologna, 5-7 September 2023
DOI: 10.1109/I3DA57090.2023.10289552 |
Enrico Armelloni, Leonardo Saccenti, Antonella
Bevilacqua, Lorenzo Lavagna, Louena Shtrepi, Arianna Astolfi, Adriano
Farina, Angelo Farina |
MIMO Technique applied to the Greek Theatre of Tyndari |
10th Convention of the European Acoustics Association - Turin, Italy •
11th – 15th September 2023 • Politecnico di Torino |
Angela Guastamacchia, Michele Ebri, Andrea Bottega,
Enrico Armelloni, Angelo Farina, Giuseppina Puglisi, Fabrizio Riente, Louena
Shtrepi, Marco Carlo Masoero, Arianna Astolfi |
Set up and preliminary validation of a small spatial sound reproduction
system for clinical purposes |
10th Convention of the European Acoustics Association - Turin, Italy •
11th – 15th September 2023 • Politecnico di Torino |
Olga Jordi, Angelo Farina, Santi Mañosa |
Sound amplitude (dB) of male Western Capercaillie Tetrao urogallus
calls |
Revista Catalana d’Ornitologia
39:60-64, 2023
ISSN 1697-4697
10.62102/2340-3764.2023.1.8 |
Olga Jordi, Xavier Puig, Angelo Farina, Santi Mañosa |
Vocal individuality of male Western Capercaillie Tetrao urogallus calls, an
ambisonic bio-acoustic approach |
Bird Study, January 2025, pp.1–11.
10.1080/00063657.2024.2442777 |