Angelo Farina's personal Home Page |
Angelo Farina is full professor of Environmental Technical Physics at the University of ParmaHere my institutional web page. Email address: or PEC: (only from other Italian PEC addresses)
Dipartimento di Ingegneria dei Sistemi e delle Tecnologie Industriali -
Awards & Prizes => |
During his long scientific and academic career, Angelo Farina received a number of awards and prizes, culminating with the Silver Medal issued by the Audio Engineering Society in Madrid, in June 2024. Click here for a list of these achievements. |
Courses => |
In Academic Year 2024-2025 Angelo holds the following courses at the University of Parma: ● Acustica Applicata (6 CFU, I cycle) Local support web page for this course (I do NOT USE ELLY): => Post-graduate (advanced) degrees in Physics, Engineering and Architecture
● Efficienza Energetica e Termofisica dell'Edificio (9 CFU, II cycle): Local support web page for this course (I do NOT USE ELLY): => Degree in Ingegneria Civile ed Ambientale
Online Exams => |
Exams are occasionally done online (MS Teams) MS Teams access code, for being allowed to connect: 6lar3z9
This is the
direct link to the team, which can be used only after
getting access to the team with the code above. |
Receiving period => |
Tuesday, 10.45 to 12.45, in Building #7 (on appointment) or, better, online (MS Teams). MS Teams access code, for being allowed to connect: jzdz20j This is the direct link to the team, which can be used only after getting access to the team with the code above. Please DO NOT ASK to be accepted in this receiving team. These requests will be ignored. The access code above is all what is required for being accepted. Just follow the instructions linked above. |
My family => |
I have a wonderful (and very tough) wife, Grazia, two clever sons, Adriano and Giacomo, a nice family of Golden Retrievers and a collection of old Fantic Motor bikes and of old Yamaha XT bikes |
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For a more thorough curriculum, Click Here!
This web site is hosted on a computer located at the University of Parma (a public institution of the Italian Government, Ministry of Instruction, University and Research), under the direct control of Angelo Farina, who is a full-time employee of the University of Parma. The goal of this web site is mainly institutional, as a support tool for the didactical and scientific activity of Angelo Farina. You can read anything You find there, but be aware that the action of copying or reusing the contents of this server can result in copyright infringement or other violations of the law (depending on the country where you are).