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Actual research is devoted to 5 main themes:
- Digital equalization of car audio systems for correcting
the frequency response, the time misalignment and the
spatial impression inside cars.
- Subjective comparison of car sound systems by means of
the auralization technique.
- Surround systems based on Transaural and Ambisonics
methods for car sound systems.
- Advanced measurement systems for car-audio.
- Linearization of the loudspeaker's response through
not-linear inverse numerical filters.
- Digital equalization with Warped FIR filters.
The results already obtained allowed for the publication of
these papers:
- A. Farina, F. Righini "Software
implementation of an MLS analyzer, with tools for
convolution, auralization and inverse filtering" Pre-prints of the 103rd AES
Convention, New York, 26-29 September 1997.
- A. Farina, E. Ugolotti, "Subjective
comparison of different car audio systems by the
auralization technique",
Pre-prints of the 103rd AES Convention, New York, 26-29
September 1997.
- A. Farina, E. Ugolotti, "Use
of digital inverse filtering techniques for improving car
audio systems", Pre-prints
of the 103rd AES Convention, New York, 26-29 September
- A. Farina, E. Ugolotti "Subjective
evaluation of the sound quality in cars by the
auralisation technique"
Proc. of 4th International Conference and
Exhibition Comfort in the automotive industry - Bologna
(Italy) October 2-3, 1997.
- A. Farina, E. Ugolotti, "Spatial
equalisation of sound systems in cars by digital inverse
filtering", Proc. of
4th International Conference and Exhibition Comfort in
the automotive industry - Bologna (Italy) October 2-3,
- A. Farina, E. Ugolotti "Subjective
evaluation of the sound quality in cars by the
auralisation technique"
Proc. of IOA Conference "Reproduced Sound
13", Hydro Hotel, Bowness on Windermere, GB, October
24-26 1997.
- A. Farina, E. Ugolotti, "Spatial
equalisation of sound systems in cars by digital inverse
filtering" Proc. of
IOA Conference "Reproduced Sound 13", Hydro
Hotel, Bowness on Windermere, GB, October 24-26 1997.
- Angelo Farina, E. Ugolotti - "Automatic
Measurement System for Car Audio Applications" - Pre-prints of the 104th AES Convention,
Amsterdam, 1998 May 16-19.
- Angelo Farina - "Software
Implementation of B-Format Encoding and Decoding" - Pre-prints of the 104th AES Convention,
Amsterdam, 1998 May 16-19.
- A. Bellini, E. Ugolotti, C. Morandi, "Analog fuzzy audio processor
for loudspeaker systems", Proc. of FUZZ IEEE'98, Anchorage, AK, May
1998, pp. 1--6
- Bellini, G. Cibelli, E. Ugolotti, A.
Farina, C. Morandi - "Non-linear digital audio
processor for dedicated loudspeaker systems" - Proc.
of International IEEE Conference on Consumer Electronics,
Los Angeles, June 1998.
- A. Bellini, G. Cibelli, E. Ugolotti, A.
Farina, C. Morandi - "Non-linear digital audio
processor for dedicated loudspeaker systems" - IEEE
Transactions on Consumer Electronics, vol. 44, n. 3,
August 1998.
- A. Bellini, A. Boni, C. Morandi, "Mixed High level and circuital
simulation of Current-Driven Loudspeaker systems", in Proc.
MWSCAS'98, Notre Dame IN, August 1998, pp. 104--107
- A. Farina, E. Ugolotti - "Spatial Equalization of sound systems in cars" - Proc. of 15th AES Conference
"Audio, Acoustics & Small Spaces",
Copenhagen, Denmark, 31/10-2/11 1998.
- A. Farina, E. Ugolotti, Bellini, G.
Cibelli,C. Morandi -"Inverse numerical filters for linearisation of
loudspeaker's response" -
DAFX-98 Conference, November 19-21, 1998 Barcelona, Spain
- A. Farina, E. Ugolotti - "Numerical model of the sound field inside cars
for the creation of virtual audible reconstructions"- DAFX-98 Conference, November 19-21, 1998 Barcelona, Spain
- A. Farina, E. Ugolotti - "Subjective
comparison between Stereo Dipole and 3D Ambisonics
surround systems for automotive applications" - 16th AES Conference, Rovaniemi
(Finland), 10-12 April 1999 (Also available in zipped
PDF format).
- G. Cibelli, A. Bellini, E. Ugolotti, A.
Farina, C. Morandi - "Experimental
validation of loudspeaker equalization inside car
cockpits" - 106th AES
Convention, Munich, 8-11 may 1999.
- O.Kirkeby, P.A. Nelson, P. Rubak, A.
Farina - "Design
of Cross-talk Cancellation Networks by using Fast
Deconvolution" - 106th AES
Convention, Munich, 8-11 may 1999.
- G. Cibelli, A. Bellini, E. Ugolotti, ``Dynamic measurements of
low-frequency loudspeakers modeled by Volterra series'', preprint #4968 of
AES 106th convention, Munich, 8-11 May 1999.
- Ole Kirkeby, Per Rubak, Angelo Farina - "Analysis of
ill-conditioning of multi-channel deconvolution problems"
- 1999 IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing
to Audio and Acoustics -Mohonk Mountain House New Paltz,
New York October 17-20, 1999
- A.
Farina - "Simultaneous measurement of impulse response and distortion
with a swept-sine technique" - 108th AES Convention, Paris 18-22
February 2000.
- A. Bellini, E.Armelloni, E. Ugolotti, G. Cibelli, A.
Farina - "Experimental validation of warping filters inside car
cockpits" - Proc.
of International IEEE Conference on Consumer Electronics,
Los Angeles, June 2000.
- A. Farina, A. Bellini, E. Armelloni - "Implementation
of cross-talk canceling filters with warped structures - Subjective
evaluation of the loudspeaker reproduction of stereo recordings"
- Proc. of SHARC2000, Boston, 11-13
September 2000.
- A. Bellini, E. Ugolotti, G. Cibelli, A. Farina, C.
Morandi, G. Gobbi - "APLODSP, design of customizable Audio Processor
for LOudspeaker system compensation by DSP" - 109th AES Audio
Convention, Los Angeles, 18-22 September 2000.
- A. Bellini, E. Armelloni, G. Cibelli, E. Ugolotti, A.
Farina - "Experimental validation of equalizing filter for car
cockpits designed with Warping technique" - 109th AES Audio
Convention, Los Angeles, 18-22 September 2000.
- A. Bellini, G. Cibelli, E. Armelloni, E. Ugolotti, A. Farina -
"Car cockpit equalization by warping filters" - IEEE
Transactions on Consumer Electronics, vol. 47, no. 1, pp. 108-116, ISSN
0098-3063, February 2001.
- 152 E. Ugolotti, G. Gobbi, A. Farina "IPA - A Subjective Assessment
Method of Sound Quality of Car Sound Systems" - Proceedings
of the 110th AES Convention, 2001 May 12-15 Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- A. Farina, G. Cibelli, A. Bellini - "AQT - A New Objective
Measurement Of The Acoustical Quality Of Sound Reproduction In Small
Compartments" - Proceedings of the
110th AES Convention, 2001 May 12-15 Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- A. Farina, A. Bellini, E. Armelloni - "Non-Linear Convolution: A
New Approach For The Auralization Of Distorting Systems" - Proceedings of the
110th AES Convention, 2001 May 12-15 Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- A. Farina - Metodologie di Misura e
Valutazione - Seminario Top Audio 2001 "L'acustica
dei piccoli ambienti d'ascolto" - AES Italian Section, Milano, 15
settembre 2001.
- E. Ugolotti, E. Armelloni, F. Bozzoli, A. Farina - Effects of the
background noise of the perceived quality of car audio systems -
112th AES Convention, Munich, 10-13 May 2002
- A. Farina, A. Bellini, M. Romagnoli - Different approaches for the
equalization of automotive sound systems -
112th AES Convention, Munich, 10-13 May 2002
- A. Azzali, A. Bellini, A. Farina, E. Ugolotti - Design and Implementation of
Psychoacoustics Equalizer for Infotainment
DSP Application Day, Politecnico di Milano, 23 September 2002
- A.
Farina, F. Bozzoli - Measurement of the speech
intelligibility inside cars
113th AES Convention, Los Angeles, 5-8 October 2002
- A. Azzali, A. Bellini, E. Carpanoni, M. Romagnoli, A. Farina - AQTtool
an automatic tool for design and synthesis of psychoacoustic Equalizers
- 114th AES Convention,
Amsterdam, 22-25 March 2003
Furthermore, a complete description of the first 4 years of
this research is available in Italian, in the form of Research
Advancement Reports:
This page is maintained by Angelo Farina.