University of Parma

First Level Master in



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For the current academic year 2005-2006 the master course has not been activated.


The University of Parma , for the academic year 2005-2006,  has activated a new course for "Tecnico competente in Acustica ambientale".


Corsi di Alta Formazione continua e permanente


The Master is a course of scientific improvement and high permanent and recurrent education; at the conclusion of it, after passing the final examination, it yields the title of University Master of first level. Such title allows for the immediate inscription in the Regional Directory of the Competent Technicians in Environmental Acoustics (Law 447/1995), on the basis of DGR n. 1203/2002 of the 8/07/02.

The Course is finalized to the formation of the following professional profiles :

  • Competent technician in environmental acoustics ( L. 447/95 )

  • Competent technician for measure and prediction of electromagnetic fields (DPCM 8 July 2003)

  • Competent technician for measure and prediction of the vibrations in buildings and on vehicles (standards UNI 9614 and UNI 9916)

  • Competent technician for measure and prediction of daylight and artificial lighting, outdoors and in confined spaces.


Specific formative goals:

Acoustic measurements; predictive models of the sound field outdoors and in confined spaces;

Vibration measurements; predictive models for the propagation of vibrations in soil and in buildings;

Measurement of electric, magnetic and electromagnetic  fields, at DC, at mains frequency (50 Hz) and at radio frequency; predictive models of  E.M. fields outdoors and in confined spaces;

Measurement of lighting; predictive models of the natural and artificial lighting, outdoors and in confined spaces.

Computer science to support measurement systems, predictive software and graphical and hypertextual presentation of the results.

Environmental, Urbanistical and Technical Legislation.

International and EC standards, accreditation of the laboratories and mutual acknowledgment of certification results.



For information:

Prof Angelo Farina , Department of Industrial Engineering, tel. 0521\905854, email:

Ing. Fabio Bozzoli , Department of Industrial Engineering, tel. 0521\905859, email:



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