*** Ramsete Beta 3.13 with STI support for IEC-60268-16:2020 *** This folder contains a number of files related to the recent upgrade of Ramsete View v. 3.13, with full support for the latest IEC-60268-16:2020 standard for the evaluation of STI (Speech Transmission Index). A new Ramsete Source file has been created, named Human-CHU.spk, based on directivity of real human talkers measured by Chu in 2001 and on my own measurements made in 2003 and described in my AES 118 paper. Both documents are provided in PDF format, alongside with the new IEC standard. The power levels Lw in octave bands have been adjusted so that the spectrum at 1m on axis of the mouth has the correct spectrum and overal A-weighted SPL value of 60.0 dB(A), as required by the new IEC standard. An Excel file (with macros - not a virus!) contains all the measured directivity data. The interpolation of the directivity balloons has been done using Excel's Solver module, obtaining the Ambisonics coefficients at 1st and 2nd order which approximate the measured data. An Ambix encoder filter matrix is also provided in WAV format, to be used with X-volver, X-MCFX, MCFX-convolver or Sparta Matrix Convolver. It is an 1x9 FIR filter matrix, creating a 9-channels output (Ambix 2nd order) from a single mono input (recorded on axis of the mouth). A Plogue Bidule example is provided, allowing to render a directional voice with 6DOF (positioning inside the virtual room and rotation) and using IEM RoomEncoder for rendering. Finally, 2 test examples are provided in Ramsete RAY format, for checking that the new SPK file works as expected in free field conditions. Please contact me if you find any bug. Angelo Farina, 8 January 2023 PS: for installing, as usual for all Beta versions, just copy all the content of the ZIP file in C:\Ramsete, ovewriting any existing files or folders with the same names.